1. dynamic weather and dynamic sky
-won't effect a 30 lap race but would be great for league
2. crews in the pits
imagine trying to find you pit box with 40 pit signs***
down and crews going over the wall to service their car
3. more active crew members
- if you decide to add wedge, you see a crew member putting
the jack in your mirror, or if adding tape, guys leaing down
in front of the car or a guy cleaning the windshield
4. dirty windshield as you drive
- imagine driving behind a guy and his engine blows and you
have oil on your windshiled
5. better 3 dimenional trackside objects
- get rid of those stock in pit and trackside objects, get
more detail and more depth to them, no more 1 demsional group
cut outs.
6. crew chief
- asks you about how the car is tight in, tight out, loose in,
loose out, etc. Then you answer and the crew chief adjusts
on the car.
7. damage model and graphics
- improve it, allow for debris to come off a car during a
wreck, and you run over it (instant flat) or how about
getting a tire rub, and you need to pit before it blows. Or
if a tire goes flat and damages the car.
8. clutch pedal
-better implementation. I have a clutch, but I generally
speed shift becuase I haven't ruined transmissions.
9. filters in multiplayer
-like someone said before filters in games like unreal
tournament, to say not show emplty game or aracde mode games
10. more failures
- I've raced a ton with n3, n4 and n2002, and not too many
times have I had an engine fail (unless I put on too much
tape). How about dropping a cylinder, or having to switch to
the secondary ignition during a race, or a battery failure,
and you need to pit to replace it.
11. rough tracks
- yes looks like their going to add this, might be cool to
feel the bumps at Lowe's
12. more eye candy
- better reflections, light effects, wheel marks on the side
of cars, minor damage to bumpers
13. downloadable cars in practice
- download other players' cars when you connect, great for
broadband users, would not work during quaifying or race
14. one engine rule
- if you blow or crash during qualifying or warmup, put at the
back of the field
15. better rule flexibility
- if you avoid a wreck by going down pit lane, not getting hit
with a black flag. Give back the options for a host to
remove a black flag on a driver.