> > Reasons I did not buy GPL until March 1999
> > 1) It wouldn't run on my PC (P166 + STB Velocity 128) - demo ran at
> > about 4 fps with everything off :-)
> > 2) I wasn't particularly interested in the era.
> > 3) No force feedback
> > 4) Nobody I knew had it.
> > 5) All the reviews said it was extremely difficult
> The other problem is that no game shop is going to recommend it once
> they realize that once you're hooked, you won't bother coming back to
> buy any more games!
I should add that I fixed (1) by building a PC which could handle GPL.
GPL itself helped with (2), Papy fixed (3) in the patch. (4) is
not a problem with VROC and Spyboy around (which should be more heavily
advertised in the magazines).
and last but not least, (5) is not fixed but actually adds to the
***ion and challenge of the game. I've not seriously played any other
game since I got GPL, and it is the ONLY game I have played online over
the internet.
Any GPL Gold pack that gets released should have on the box in large
letters - full support for force feedback and an online ***
community. It should also have the functionality that GPaL was going to
give us, and it should have a more driveable set of default setups.
The game should also have either direct3d and/or opengl in the box,
since by limiting it to 3dfx/rendition, Papy have effectively eliminated
75% of the market since most of the OEM graphics cards bundled in
machines are ATI cards or TNT/TNT2. I believe that only a very small
percentage of the public are prepared to open up their PCs to put in a
new graphics card. They will instead stick with what they were given
when they bought the PC, and buy another one in 3 years time.
Nortel, London Road, Harlow, Essex. CM17 9NA