Does anyone know anything about Visiware'z upcoming Starting Grid. Is
it arcade like or simulation, how realistic how fast etc.
Any, well not actually any, information would be nice...
Jam DiTroid
Does anyone know anything about Visiware'z upcoming Starting Grid. Is
it arcade like or simulation, how realistic how fast etc.
Any, well not actually any, information would be nice...
Jam DiTroid
> > Huy!
> > Does anyone know anything about Visiware'z upcoming Starting Grid. Is
> > it arcade like or simulation, how realistic how fast etc.
> > Any, well not actually any, information would be nice...
> Visit
> They have screenshots etc, and they promise it will be a sim, not an
> arcade racer. Hopefully they will listen to people's complaints about
> GP2. OTOH, just like GP2 I think it's going to need a mutha of a computer
> to run in SVGA.
> Julian
> _____________________________________________________________________
> University of Oxford
> Huy!
> Does anyone know anything about Visiware'z upcoming Starting Grid. Is
> it arcade like or simulation, how realistic how fast etc.
> Any, well not actually any, information would be nice...
They have screenshots etc, and they promise it will be a sim, not an
arcade racer. Hopefully they will listen to people's complaints about
GP2. OTOH, just like GP2 I think it's going to need a mutha of a computer
to run in SVGA.
University of Oxford