different enough to warrant spending more money.
Also, can you change the resolution? - I have SLI and would imagine it looks
great at high-res,
Answers by email please!
Also, can you change the resolution? - I have SLI and would imagine it looks
great at high-res,
Answers by email please!
>Also, can you change the resolution? - I have SLI and would imagine it
>great at high-res,
>Answers by email please!
>Also, can you change the resolution? - I have SLI and would imagine it
>great at high-res,
>Answers by email please!
>>Also, can you change the resolution? - I have SLI and would imagine it
>>great at high-res,
>>Answers by email please!
> Dave
> DmndDave
> >I'm thinking about buying MGPRS2 - I already own F1RS and am wondering if
> it
> >different enough to warrant spending more money.
> >Also, can you change the resolution? - I have SLI and would imagine it
> looks
> >great at high-res,
> >Answers by email please!
David G Fisher
>>Yes, it is good. The differences are, on the face of it, quite subtle in
>>that the game LOOKS almost identical, but they add up to a much better sim
>>than F1RS. It should have been an upgrade but it's still worth the money.