On Wed, 24 Feb 1999 18:57:34 GMT, "Randy Cassidy"
>> Thanks for your comments, Doug.
>> Can you imagine how fascinating and instructive something like this
>> be!?!
>> I think I'll try to spark some interest in Randy Cassidy on this one.
>As I said, I tried something along these lines in the GPL engine (we
>have the ability in GPL's physics engine to capture more data than you
>can shake a stick at - and a really big stick, at that). I found it
>very difficult to analyze and incorporate the data into my feedback
>loop in real-time while driving the simulator. However, I can
>certainly envision display methodologies that would require less
>conscious analysis, and so be more amenable to real-time use. I didn't
>spend a ton of time messing with it since this type of analysis tool
>wouldn't be in keeping with the spirit of a simulation of late 60's
>racing. Mostly, I just wanted to be sure the required data gathering
>and distribution mechanisms meshed well with GPL's simulation
>architecture. They do :-)
Hello Randy,I didnt realize your from papyrus until I read this
post.Without me being a pain I would like to ask some questions of
you.Right now I drive GPL with out the drivers arms.I have painted a
skinny line in the center of the***pit from top to bottom.I then
placed a skinny piece of tape that sits directly over this white
line.What this does for me is to give me a reference point so I can
visually see the***pit shifting left to right more.I noticed
immediatelly that I seem to have more car control and a short pro race
got easier for me to finish.It hasnt made me any faster but I can do
consistent 1:07:xx at the glen in my Cooper when before it varied from
1:10:xx to 1:07:xx.Now I "never" slide off the track at the loop and
can consistently come off the corner with very little looseness.What
I would like to know is how well modeled the g-force shift is done in
GPL.I thought it ws modeleling g-forces but im starting to believe it
models front tire adhesion limit.I use it now as front tire adhesion
gauge so that when I see its at its farthest point ,anymore wheel lock
gives very little to no cornering force(my FFB).Also,I like to know
why the acceleration and braking movement of the virtual***pit
doesnt model g-forces.Is this something that will be included in
future papyrus sims or would it just confuse the driver to much and so
will stay as it it.
Second question is if Nascar3 will use the same***pit
implementation as GPL.If you cant answer this I understand.
Third question is if Dave Kaemmer worked on Nascar2.I dont see his
name in the credits and was wondering why not.
Final question is about tire squeal.Is the way its implemeted in GPL
the best that can be done or can this actually be improved somehow for
more feel?I never tried GP2 since I could never find it but I heard
that it models the tire squeal differently.Just curious here:))