>But it seems strange to me what Gillespie writes, namely that torque
>*decreases* as it moves from engine to the wheels. At least his
>formula's imply so.
>Any thoughts? Thanks,
Re-read Gillespie Chapter 2 and then sleep with it under your pillow ;)
The torque doesn't decrease, rathersome of it is expended to accelerate
the rotational inertia of the rotating parts. You have to expend
power to accelerate them up, and it also
takes more braking to slow them back down.
As the book explains, when accelerating the car, you are also
accelerating the rotating parts of the engine and the
drive train.
If you are accelerating a drag racing car at 3 G's with the
clutch not slipping and the final drive locked, you can
expend a noticible part of the engines torque production
just spinning up all this rotational inertia. This effect is most
noticible in the lowest gear, because when the clutch is
locked, the engine is accelerating very fast because
of the large gear ratios commonly in use.
As Gillespie notes, you can express the overall effect of
this as an "effective mass". This is through combining all the
rotational terms together, and noticing that they act just like
the mass in Forward_force = mass times acceleration
This becomes
acceleration = force / (mass + effective_mass_rotating_parts)
Where the effective mass can be several hundred pounds
if you aren't careful. Drag racers are careful, and do things like
using short aluminum or carbon drive shafts instead of long
steel ones, etc., to reduce this penalty. High tech road racers use
*** wheel materials for similar reasons when allowed and
they can afford it.
The effective_mass of the rotational parts has terms like:
(inertia_wheels +
inertia_driveshaft * final_drive_ratio**2
inertia_engine * overall_gear_ratio**2) / tire_radius**2
given final drive ratios of 4-5 and overall first gear ratios of 12 or
you can see where those gear ratio squared terms can
get out of hand if not controlled.
To answer your question about how to get the accelerations,
"just" ;) solve the resulting equations for
the unknown accelerations.
It's messy but straightforward for each configuration of the driveline.
(Clutch slipping or not slipping, transmission in gear or out of gear,
differential locked or open = 8 or more cases! ;)
I use the Mathematica program to do this kind of algebra,
otherwise I'd be spending all my time correcting errors ;)
For your case with all nodes locked:
Te = point on the engine's torque curve
Tc = Te - Ie Ae
Tp = Gi Tc - Ip Ap p = pinion or driveshaft
Aw = (Gfd Tp - FxR) / Iw w = drive wheels,
FxR is the "Load" torque of the tires forward force
and noting:
Ae = Gi Gfd Aw,
Ap = Gfd Aw
Here is Mathematica script to solve this:
Ae = Gi Gfd Aw
Ap = Gfd Aw
Tc = Te - Ie Ae
Tp = Gi Tc - Ip Ap
(* then solve the combined equation below for Aw:
Aw = (Gfd Tp - FxR) / Iw
Solve[{Aw == (Gfd Tp - FxR) / Iw}, {Aw}]
The solution is:
Aw = (-FxR + Gfd * Gi * Te) / (Gfd**2 * Gi**2 * Ie + Gfd**2 * Ip + Iw)
and the other accelerations easily derived from that.
(Gillespie gives essentially this solution in Chapter 2.)
Our games also include the transmission input shaft which adds some more
complexity but it is still straight forward but tedious without
Mathematica ;) Get Mathematica, particularly if you are a student.
They have student packages because it is more ***ive than cigarettes!
- Matt
P.S. Ruud, please note Very Important Caution interspersed below
> Hi there,
> I'm adding some variables to my car model, while reading 'Fundamentals
> of Vehicle Dynamics' from Thomas Gillespie. Well, actually, I'm
> converting the body and wheels to rigid body classes which use
> quaternions and inertia tensors for their rotation (so I have faster
> functions and gyroscopic precession for free for all the
> forces/torques I want to add) (this 'simplified' model will allow
> easier inclusion of new forces/torques in a more clean way).
> Anyway, in the book, Gillespie follows the engine torque to the
> wheels, and does it like this:
> Te=point on the engine's torque curve
> Tc=Te-IeAe
> where Tc=torque at the clutch, Ie=rotational inertia of the engine,
> and Ae=engine rotational acceleration.
> Td=Tc-...
> Ta=Td-...
> (Td=torque output to the driveshaft, Ta=torque on the axles)
> So he keeps subtracting torque in every step, based on the
> acceleration. Now in simulation, the acceleration is *the question*,
> rather than the answer to fill in the equations. It seems I can't use
> these formula's like that.
> It seems to me that since everything is fixed together, the torque
> remains the same, but all inertia of all connected components must be
> taken into account, so:
> totalInertia=I_engine+I_driveshaft+I_transmission+I_rearaxle(RWD)+...
Be very careful and do what Gillespie shows. Because of the different
gear ratios, the equation above is useless and misleading.
Use the form that includes consideration of the effect of the
differing rotational accelerations of each part.
The equation above can under estimate the effect of the
engine's inertia by a factor of 50 to 150 or more, depending on gear ratio