> Anyonehaveanyideawhathisfoolistalkingabout?
> Alanb
But not the new one!
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please don't top post. Trim messages to quote only relevant text.
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If you email me a postal address and I'll send it free..(I work at a mail
order company anyway so posting is no hassle).
Obviously only email a postal address you're happy with giving out (work
address/parents work address) as I wouldn't recommend anyone sending out a
home address to complete strangers on the internet ;) .
> If you email me a postal address and I'll send it free..(I work at a mail
> order company anyway so posting is no hassle).
> Obviously only email a postal address you're happy with giving out (work
> address/parents work address) as I wouldn't recommend anyone sending out a
> home address to complete strangers on the internet ;) .
> Jason
> > anydownload sites forthe codemasters pc game (not the new one)