I'm sure they can, though I'm not sure that was the point of what was
being discussed. We were talking about why sim cars are faster than
their real-world counterparts and Jan said he felt one of the reasons
was because real-world drivers are slower because they CANNOT afford to
drive that close to the edge for fear of an accident that sim racers
don't need to worry about and therefore sim racers may be quicker, but
at the expense of consistency.
I was disputing that premise as I felt real-world drivers CAN drive as
close, if not closer to the edge than sim drivers because they have the
benefit of real-world cues that us sim racers don't have.
Now it may well be that a sim car can be set up to drive without
spinning out, but does that prove Jan's theory that real-world drivers
are not able to drive as close to the edge as sim drivers?
However, I certainly would dispute with you that the only way to drive
consistently in NR2003 is to set the car up in a way that real-world
drivers cannot. I'm sure there are many drivers out there who are both
fast and consistent and who don't use any of those aids or setup
'features' at all. I may not be the quickest, though I expect I'm not
too shabby, and I can keep the car on the track for lap after lap on my
own without spinning out, but there is no way I would want to do so with
any of those 'driving aids'.
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
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GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77