How do I...?


How do I...?

by Mike » Wed, 12 Jun 2002 02:28:46

I've never used either of those progs before.. so I dunno the exact details
of them, but have you considered just making a simple dos batch file?

in case you've never made one before: just fire up notepad, on the first
line put the full dxtweak command, hit enter, on the second line put the
full command for f1 2001, save the file as anything.bat, and run the .bat


How do I...?

by Isotrip » Wed, 12 Jun 2002 02:47:57

that won't allow him to run his command line options though. From the sounds
of it to me he wants it to be fully automatic, open DXTweak, set his pre-set
options then open F12K1 after shutting down DXTweak. Also I _think_ the
Batch file wouldn't allow a auto shutdown of a "shelled" program.

- Isotrip?

Mika Takal

How do I...?

by Mika Takal » Wed, 12 Jun 2002 03:21:13

Type start /? in command prompt...
basicly it goes like this:
start /w c:\insertyourdxtweakpathhere\dxtweak.exe insertoptionshere
start c:\insertyourf12k2pathhere\f1_2002.exe

Mika Takala

Mika Takal

How do I...?

by Mika Takal » Wed, 12 Jun 2002 20:01:48

The start-commands are very usefull in batch-files, in case you didn't
figure it out :)

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