> > > Hmm... perhaps I should do a sequel to my "Coders of RAS" song (sung to
> the
> > > tune of "Knights of The Round Table"). :-)
> > Good man, stepping up to the challenge, in the meantime, could you
> > repost it for the benefits of latecomers who are "google challenged" ?
> Well if you insist.... :-)
> The Coders of RAS Song
> (sung to the tune of the Monty Python song
> "The Knights of The Round Table",
> from their movie
> "Monty Python and The Holy Grail")
> -------------------------------------------
> We're coders unbeat-able,
> we code whene'er we're able
> We do routines, and capture screens
> and use no look-up table
> We like to stay in RAS a lot,
> we talk physics and code and joke a lot
> We're coders unbeat-able,
> our sims -- are down -- load - able
> Though many times we code some tires
> that are dangerously unst-able
> We bore our readers in RAS a lot,
> our posts are heavy as a cachalooooooot
> (tap dancing)
> (bong a-klong kling bing ding ring)
> Online we're tough and able,
> quite indecipher-able,
> between our posts we're more like ghosts
> and quite insuffer-able
> We've complicated life in RAS a lot
> (solo)
> My racing wheel needs a new pot
> -------------------------------------------
> King Arthur: On second thought, let's not read RAS. It is a silly newsgroup.
> Others: Right, right...
> Petri Blomqvist
I need to find that Lego video of this song again......
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--