>> recently I have been working on a Charoltte setup. The problem is that
>> I want to stiffen the car only on the exit of the corner, i.e. turns 2
>> and 4
>> when I get back on the gas hard the back end swings around and the car
>> dives off the bank
>> its important that I don't stiffen the car going into the turn. this
>> would make me have to get on the brakes more and loose speed
>> I consulted Jan Kols quick fix guide and it says for my problem to
>> soften left front
>> stiffen left rear
>> this makes no sense to me. I know for sure that soften the front shocks
>> and stiffen the rear makes the car more loose, not more tight.
>> I this a typo?
>> p.s. when I tried playing with the shocks what seemed to work best was
>> soften the right rear. This made the car stable when I got back on the
>> gas but didn't stiffen it to much going into the turn
>> or at least thats how it seemed to me
>> also this makes sense to me because I know getting on the gas pushes the
>> weight to the rear so I would figure that exiting the turn the turn the
>> rear shocks would be most important
>> p.p.s. I know that Jan Kohl is much better then me at N2 but his quick
>> fix guide still dosen't make sense to me
>> please respond
>> -later-
>Try this raise left front; and/or lower left rear:
>When accelerating and straighting the wheel, the weight transfers back
>to the left rear of the car. If you raise the left front it will keep
>more weight back on the right rear, and lowering the left rear keeps
>more weight at the rear. You might have to adjust your driving style a
>bit; also make sure you drive enough laps to warm up the tires.
>Hope this helps. BTW, I got this info at