CART: What would YOU have done?


CART: What would YOU have done?

by Warloc » Thu, 31 Oct 2002 23:02:36

You obviously didn't see the race. It was an "official" race after 36 laps. They
continued and stopped at 40 laps because of darkness. Check out this pic and
tell me they should have "raced" longer in these conditions...
The ESPN article was just an AP release. The AP isn't exactly on top of the
world of motorsport. There is usually a 2 to 2-1/2 hour time limit, but CART
went waaaaaaaaaay beyond that for the folks of Oz.

If you did watch, I apologize for saying you didn't. You just didn't pay much
attention. I'd like to know how you could have gotten yourself out of the
predicament in a way that would have looked more professional or would have paid
better dividends to the fans. Remember, CART spoke with the city officials about
the prospects of extending the race weekend thru Monday, and the city said that
wasn't an option. Lemme know what you come up with... I'll e-mail your
suggestion to CART and give you full credit  :roll eyes:


> A. They shortened the thing by 30 laps. From ESPN, "The event was stopped on
> the 40th lap because of a two-hour time
> limit.",
> time contract, even though Speed wasnt under that obligation.

> B. They did***the fans over big time at the track. They got to see 6
> green laps of the scheduled 70, of which the last 31 were under yellow.
> LMAO. What they should have done was cancel/reschedule the event for the day
> later in the year. Nobody that paid for those tickets are happy today,
> nobody. So, they basically did all 3 of the choices you referred to below.
> They did let em wreck (at the start), kept them under yellow for 34 of the
> 40 laps, and then said:***you folks at Surfers, we have a race to get
> ready for next week and you just lost every cent you spent on a ticket,
> cause we're outta here!

> I guess they wanted to prove to Ecclestone that they could be a good feeder
> for F1: No passing for 40 laps except through pitting, and all the racing
> occuring during the first 10 laps of the race.

> > What did the TV contract have to do with anything??? They showed the whole
> > fekkin' "race"... til 4am or thereabouts. There were 3 choices, given that
> the
> > streets had to be opened for Monday morning traffic:

> > 1) Let 'em race... if they wreck, they wreck. This is big-time motorsport
> > 2) Run 'em like they did. Keep 'em under yellow, hoping and praying the
> rain
> > will dissipate enough to make the track safe enough for racing
> > 3) F*ck 'em (the fans, sponsors, drivers). We tried, but Mother Nature
> wasn't
> > cooperating. We're going back home to prepare for Fontana.

> > I would have done the same thing CART chose to do, which was #2 above. I'd
> > rather go to a track and see the cars *try* to squeeze out a few racing
> laps (as
> > they did... 6 to be exact), rather than seeing another racing death
> (possible in
> > #1 above) or being told the race is canceled as in #3 above.

> > Warlock!

> > > They should not have worried about the stinkin' tv contract and they
> should
> > > have finished the race. They have this history of not being prepared
> (anyone
> > > remember Texas) and they made another last minute decision just like
> when
> > > they were there and that let a guy who made 4 pitstops win a race, when
> the
> > > guy ran in the back the whole race. I mean, what else did SpeedTv have
> to
> > > show at 2am?

> > > LOL

> > > >   Knowing that you had to load up the cars/teams/gear ASAP to get them
> > > > shipped back to America, knowing that the contract with the City
> called
> > > for
> > > > clearing the streets before Monday, knowing that the Rain just wasn't
> > > gonna
> > > > stop....what would YOU have done about that dang race??

> > > > dave henrie

> > > > ---
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Dave Case

CART: What would YOU have done?

by Dave Case » Sun, 03 Nov 2002 14:00:20

It is quite plain and simple.  CART ran those laps under caution and called
it an official race so they wouldn't have to refund anyone any money.  If
they had cancelled the race, which is what they should have done, they would
have been in a position to refund.  Their little farce enabled them to say
that the fans got to see the cars on the track for more than half the race,
so we're keeping the money.

                      Dave Casey, REALTOR
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CART: What would YOU have done?

by Nic » Mon, 04 Nov 2002 06:48:34

> It is quite plain and simple.  CART ran those laps under caution and called
> it an official race so they wouldn't have to refund anyone any money.  If
> they had cancelled the race, which is what they should have done, they would
> have been in a position to refund.  Their little farce enabled them to say
> that the fans got to see the cars on the track for more than half the race,
> so we're keeping the money.

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