out of my GFII card.
Well, here's an excellent setup and tweaking guide, which even I can
understand: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Good luck,
Good luck,
Oh, also don't forget to select the Porsche preset from the 3d
properties menu and also select 120Hz there.
>> I noticed I'm not the only sim-racer having problems getting the most
>> out of my GFII card.
>> Well, here's an excellent setup and tweaking guide, which even I can
>> understand: http://www.3dgpu.com/tweaking/index.cfm
>> Good luck,
>> Andre
> >Great link !!!
> Yep, the guide helped me a lot. I finally got NFS: Porsche U. working
> and select 640x480 in the game, otherwise the 3d effect won't be as
> good as it should be) and the effect is simply breathtaking!!
> Oh, also don't forget to select the Porsche preset from the 3d
> properties menu and also select 120Hz there.
> Andre
Technically I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work (each glass
simply opens and closes very rapidly for the 3d effect) but you can't
wear normal glasses and wear the Asus 3d glasses over them.
That's the biggest disadvantage of the Asus 3d glasses: They're big
and heavy and not really comfortable to wear.
Still thinking about a way to make them more comfortable.
I tried to attach them to a baseball cap so all the weight wouldn't be
on my nose, but that didn't really work. And my girlfriend thought I
looked stupid when I showed her my construction, wearing my 3D
glasses, a baseball cap and headphones.. :)
Time for contact lenses Bart :)
>> >Great link !!!
>> Yep, the guide helped me a lot. I finally got NFS: Porsche U. working
>> and select 640x480 in the game, otherwise the 3d effect won't be as
>> good as it should be) and the effect is simply breathtaking!!
>> Oh, also don't forget to select the Porsche preset from the 3d
>> properties menu and also select 120Hz there.
>> Andre
> >Do you have any idea wether the 3d glasses will combine with normal
> >Bart
> Time for contact lenses Bart :)
> Andre
If that monitor would actually work I'd buy it immediately. I didn't
expect that the 3D in computer games would work that good.
Especially for racing games and 3D shooters it's a blast.
By the way, the Asus site mentions somewhere that any type of glasses
can be worn underneath the 3D glasses.
Well, I gave it a try with my shades, but no way that would work.
(PS My girlfriend thought I looked even more stupid while wearing my
baseball cap, 3d glasses, headphones AND shades..)
"Michael feels the same way about safety in auto racing as I do. Great minds
think alike." - David G Fisher
> >At the Dutch GPL Lan event, Chris West mentioned a new 3D monitor he had
> >seen at a show somewhere. It shows real 3D images by means of very thin
> >verical lenses on the screen, spreading two images in different directions.
> >Guess I'll wait until that technology becomes affordable then. Contact
> >lenses have a bad record in my family, two of my brothers have returned to
> >glasses after trying lenses..... And I am very sensitive to anything getting
> >close to my eyes.
> If that monitor would actually work I'd buy it immediately. I didn't
> expect that the 3D in computer games would work that good.
> Especially for racing games and 3D shooters it's a blast.
> By the way, the Asus site mentions somewhere that any type of glasses
> can be worn underneath the 3D glasses.
> Well, I gave it a try with my shades, but no way that would work.
> (PS My girlfriend thought I looked even more stupid while wearing my
> baseball cap, 3d glasses, headphones AND shades..)
Olav K. Malmin
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