Back in the good ol days, I had read about that counter steering stuff.
Seemed odd, so I went out and tried very well. Then I read about
dragging footpegs around corners, so I tried that too...I can turn much
sharper to my left than my right for some reason. I wonder if the guys who
built very old 350 Honda's ever thought crazy Yanks would be dragging the
cases through turns..
dave henrie
> > I was under the impression that body english had something to do with it
> > (especially as how you can have the bike heeled way over to the left,
> > while steering slightly to the right, and v.v.).
> You can't do that for a long period of time, what it will do is to
> make you "fall" inwards and lean over more, enabeling a tighter turn.
> A simple turn on a (motor)bike consist of four stages.
> 1) turning the front wheel away from the direction you want to turn,
> this will push your bike (At the contact patch) away from the turn
> and centrifugal force and momentum will cause the bike to lean into
> the turn.
> 2) Once enough lean is achieved, the front wheel is turned back in the
> direction of the turn until the wheels track a curve in the right
> direction and the bike is balancing on the wheels (as if driving
> straight ahead.) The lean is neccessary because of the centrifugal
> forces.
> 3) To get out of the turn, you have to turn the front wheel even
> further into the turn, moving the wheels inside the falline of the
> COG of the bike. This will make the bike lean up again.
> 4) Straigthen the front wheel and travel straight ahead.
> Note the similarity between 1 & 2 and 3 & 4.
> I had a good url for this once, I can try to find it again if you want.
> --
> -asbjxrn