> We just went over $3 a gallon in Northern ***ia.
> I know for some of you Europeans that's no big deal, but for the US and
> the US economy structure, it's coming close to the end of the freakin'
> world :)
> I picked one HELL of a time to buy an Explorer LOL!
> Yes, I need it. Shut the hell up :)
> -Larry
> Hi all this is an idea that has just been e-mailed to me;
> See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it. We are hitting
> 95p a litre in some areas now, soon we will be faced with paying 1 a
> ltr.
> Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:
> This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy petrol on a certain day"
> campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies
> just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to hurt
> ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience
> to us than it was a problem for them.
> BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can
> really work. Please read it and join in! Now that the oil companies and
> the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre
> is CHEAP, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS
> control the marketplace not sellers. With the price of petrol going up
> more each day, we consumers need to take action.
> The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we
> hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their Petrol!
> And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here's the idea:
> For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two
> biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP. If they are not
> selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If
> they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow
> suit. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of
> Esso and BP petrol buyers.
> It's really simple to do!! Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...
> keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of
> people!! I am sending this note to a lot of people. If each of you
> send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it
> to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time
> the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have
> reached over THREE MILLION consumers! If those three million get
> e***d and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people
> will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed
> it... .. THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!! Again, all You have to do is
> send this to 10 people.
> That's all.(and not buy at ESSO/BP) How long would all that take? If
> each of us sends this email out to ten more people within one day of
> receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within
> the next 8 days!!!
> I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you!
> Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you,
> please pass this message on. PLEASE HOLD OUT UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR
> It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your
> petrol at Shell, Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons Jet etc. i.e.
> boycott BP and Esso.