Just to save that extra tid bit of frame rate, I have the drivers hands
graphics turned off. However, Some people have it turned on. So, while you're
getting up to speed, You may want to throw that arm up letting others know that
you going to stay where you are and they should pass. (Just a thought).
Mike Barlow
> Quite right.
> This is worse at places like the Glen where you come out right on the line
> to the esses and a speeding car has no chance of adjusting line. Simply
> stopping on the threshold and checking mirrors will save a lot of grief.
> Another thing that has really been bugging me lately is the number of people
> who wreck flying laps after falling off the track in front of others. OK we
> all crash but some people insist on trying to get away again on the racing
> line and then bust a gut in an attempt to keep the following car at bay as
> though it was in the race. There is absolutely nothing to gain by doing this
> except to spoil things for others and possibly cause bad feeling. Once a lap
> is spoiled the sensible thing to do would be to build up speed off the line
> and collect ones thoughts for another lap. As a Cooper driver, regularly
> qualifying around 2 secs slower than the pole time I need every tenth I can
> find. Come on guys give it some thought give us all a chance to nail that
> record lap :-)
> Mark
> >Just a thought to help VROC qualifying sessions go a bit better: before you
> >pull out of the pits, directly on to the racing line, it would be a good
> >idea to check to see if someone might be on a hot lap, going 150 mph faster
> >than you, and in need of the racing line.
> >The easiest way I've found to do this, is set your mirrors to cars only, or
> >track and cars. This lets you see through walls, tree, etc. It also helps
> >your frame rate, and avoids that tree-floating-in-the-sky phenomena that
> >distracted the hell out of me anyway. If you then pull out towards the
> track
> >at a shallow, you will be able to see any cars coming for a long way back.
> >Giving another person space is a nice thing to do, and probably saves both
> >of you going back for new cars.
> >A few courtesies like this can make all our racing more enjoyable.
> >Kevin Caldwell
> >Calgary, Canada
Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
MikeBa on the TEN network.
Member of R.O.R. 1999
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