recommended patches should I install. I guess the big ones are 1551 patch,
visual damage patch, advance option, and the big sp3 patch. Any others? What
order should I install those or does it matter? Thanks.
> I know I'm way behind with this but I just got it and was wondering what
> recommended patches should I install. I guess the big ones are 1551 patch,
> visual damage patch, advance option, and the big sp3 patch. Any others? What
> order should I install those or does it matter? Thanks.
> Anthony
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> Does anyone else get the dancing car in GT3 with the ALMS
> patch? Or have I just screwed up the installation??
Which ALMS GT3 car was it?
Reggie Brooks
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> A porsche 911 which just bounces up and down in a vertical
> position without going anywhere, and sometimes spins round in
> the air. I can't remember the driver, a german sounding name I
> think, I will check later.
> Chris
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