for the tires, but I can only find the standard F4 key to give me
What's the key for the wear indicator?? Is it available in Arcade only
mode, or what?
What's the key for the wear indicator?? Is it available in Arcade only
mode, or what?
GO MATT KENSETH #17!!!!!!!
Try F5
Brian Puckett
Thanks. The problem seems to be my F5 key. It's not registering when
I press it.
"Do you have a manual, or what?!?!"
Go peek in your neighbor's windows and see what they're doing, instead
of trying to peek thru mine.
BTW, the manual's at my nephew's house, who's not *in the country*.
Just so you know.
...oughtta change your name to Meathead.
On Fri, 4 Sep 1998 18:22:24 +0200, "Mea***er"
>>In Nascar 2, I know there's a tire wear indicator (green, yellow, red)
>>for the tires, but I can only find the standard F4 key to give me
>>What's the key for the wear indicator?? Is it available in Arcade only
>>mode, or what?
>>In Nascar 2, I know there's a tire wear indicator (green, yellow, red)
>>for the tires, but I can only find the standard F4 key to give me
>>What's the key for the wear indicator?? Is it available in Arcade only
>>mode, or what?