Papy F1 sim?


Papy F1 sim?

by ymenar » Sun, 17 Jun 2001 06:14:50

> No doubt Sierra will *always* want N(x+1) first...

lol ;-)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
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Don Burnett

Papy F1 sim?

by Don Burnett » Sun, 17 Jun 2001 08:42:39

Ditto hear, I would much prefer to see a modern cart sim over another F1
sim. I guess the question they would have to ask is would it sell?

Don Burnette


Papy F1 sim?

by Fred » Sun, 17 Jun 2001 19:24:37

from  Doc_Wu (little GPL handicap hem .. 45)
Hey papy listen ...
another Modern F1 sim ?
-F1RC do it very well
what it take to do another ... running on the "sempiternel"( means
something like eternity in french ) circuit of kuala lunpur ,
monza2001,monaco ...
-do you need some idea or it is sierra "fliping" of the comercial
consideration ?
( i had some but , but reserved to my own project)
so lets drive... but plz not on another F1ModernSim

Bob Geddes a crit :

David Butte

Papy F1 sim?

by David Butte » Mon, 18 Jun 2001 04:26:20


How many ***y NASCAR titles do they need? It's getting like EA here
- they might as well just do one a year and forget everything else.

Much as I like Papy, I'm not buying another of their games[1] until
they release something *other* than ***y NASCAR. OK, so Sierra
clearly couldn't care less about the non-American market, but
someone's got to make a stand....

[1] Except for further "thank you" copies of GPL next time they fix a
*** bug ;-) --
David. (GPLRank handicap -5.92; Monsters of GPLRank h/cap +272.44)
The GPL Scrapyard:
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