I'm using the Nvidia Detonator drivers (7.something - I think 7.17 - I'm
away from my home PC right now). I have an Asus V7700 Geforce2 GTS Deluxe.
For the latest Geforce drivers, tweaks and fixes, visit
http://www.geforcefaq.com/faq.html (set aside an evening or two!!!)
Is the menu problem not related to refresh rate at all? Do you see any
screen flicker? Most monitors base index their position settings by the
refresh rate. Have you tried the 16/32 bit colour forcing options (not sure
why these could be a problem)?
I've tried GPL in both Direct3D and OpenGL and the OpenGL seems to look
vastly superior, although I haven't tried to examine exactly why. I *think*
it's a filtering or colour depth issue. D3D looks cartoonish in comparison.
Maybe D3D will look as good with anisotropic filtering, though...
Faster-than-light travel is indeed possible, though research into economical
methods has been systematically suppressed by headlamp manufacturers
and their agents in the Congress.
--Todd Zwillich