>>Does it strike anyone else that it is a Major Big Deal that the
>>cheapest, lowest end Voodoo3 board sold the most units?
>Alex, they also have the 2nd and 3rd spots, as reported in the part you
>chose to snip. Also, in that snipped part, were the facts that Voodoo3 is
>the best selling video card of ALL other video cards. In the UK, 3dfx
>accounts for 64% of ALL video cards sold.
Oh, I'm not arguing that the 2000AGP and 3000 didn't sell at all and I
agree 3dfx is doing pretty well selling those V3s, but the fact that
the Voodoo3 2000PCI sold more than the more expensive ones interests
me because it means that a decent amount of people with AGP-less
motherboards bought the V2 2000, which could mean that the market for
good, mid-range PCI accelerators is more than some people would think.
Nvidia doesn't have an AGP part, 3dfx did, and 3dfx made a lot of
sales on it, and if I were 3dfx, I'd wouldn't throw the PCI market
away just yet in an attempt to make the fastest 3d accelerator on the
planet (that can also do my laundry and cook me breakfast).