I calibrated my home built setup in win98 using the generic joystick drivers.
In control panel select the joystick\gamecontroller icon and then add a generic
joystick that matches your setup (or alternately create a custom one). I have
separate brake and throttle axis so I use the 3 axis 4 button joystick. You
should then be able to click on calibrate and follow the instructions. Once you
calibrate you can click on test to check the calibration.
If you still can't get win98 to see the controller it may be due to which axis
you are using. Win98 seems to look at the Y-axis to see if there is a
controller connected. For example I had to move my wheel pot from joy B X-axis
to Joy B Y-axis in order to get win98 to see the 3rd axis. If rewiring is a
problem you may be able to trick it by placing a suitable resistor across the
Hope this helps (I can't comment on how this works with GP3 as I don't have
Ken MacKay
Halifax, Canada
GPL Handicap +88.79
> I am using a homebuilt with CH pedals, love it and it works great in GPL,
> with GPL seeming to directly read the pot values from the port.
> I have never been able to "see" the wheel and/or pedals from the Win98se
> controller control panel page. As long as GPL "sees" the wheel I was ok.
> But let's say, purely hypothetically, that I had access to GP3 and I am not
> able to use my wheel because of this. OK, hypothetically, I might of used a
> joystick and realized that gp3 is actually pretty awful. Basically a video
> game, not a sim. But a fun video game that I will probably buy and run on
> occasion when my GPL rank depresses me too much. I would love to be able to
> use my wheel.
> Any driver ideas?
> thanks
> d