Online Racing


Online Racing

by Eldre » Tue, 29 Apr 2003 04:58:43

>I was the moron that took out half the field. Since you just started racing
>online this week I'll take your remarks for what they are worth. I'll give
>you an explanation of what happened on that first lap. The polesitter got a
>bad start and went into turn 1 off the pace. At tracks like California where
>the car gets upset easily in the turns it doesn't take much to lose it and
>thats exactly what happened.

Mike, I don't believe it - *you* made a mistake?!?  I didn't think that was
I don't feel quite so bad now ad *my* stupid start.  That's what I get for not
having time to practice.  I spun trying to back out of a 3-wide situation in
T3. :-(

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Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Online Racing

by mcwho » Tue, 29 Apr 2003 04:59:56

I just joined rascar and I believe it is pretty much the same as any other
league/group of drivers out there.  The primary advantage to joining with a
group is to avoid the constant/intentional wreckers.  Depending on what yhou
are looking for, points/standings or fun you should look for the group that
interests you.  There are a lot of good drivers in rascar, me being new to
NR2K3 I am getting my ***whooped and just trying not to be a menace.  I
can race all week long against the AI but when it comes to humans it is a
whole new story, I do race on sierra but that is different as well because
of all the different setups out there.  I personally would like to see some
more organized practice, or a "happy hour" if you will to spend seat time
against the actuall guys I will be racing.
I do not think the response you got out of the rascar group on your posting
is any worse/different than you get in any online chat or group concerning
racing.  People will misunderstand what you are saying and react, sometimes
in a not so nice way.
Hell, it was just a racin' deal!  :-)


: I just started racing online this week. I'm hoping to get fast enough for
: Just an observation,  DAMN there's a lot of stupid wreckers out there!
: impossible to have a clean race when morons take out half the field on the
: first lap.  I know accidents happen but sheesh!  I've found that just not
: qualifying and staying in the back for the first half of the race is the
: only way to finish on the lead lap.
: If anyone has some good advice it would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks,
: Tim
: --
: When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping.
: Men invade another country.
: -Elayne Boosler-

Mike Grand

Online Racing

by Mike Grand » Tue, 29 Apr 2003 05:16:32

Lol, you will never hear me say I never make a mistake. I make them all the
time. (-:

> >I was the moron that took out half the field. Since you just started
> >online this week I'll take your remarks for what they are worth. I'll
> >you an explanation of what happened on that first lap. The polesitter got
> >bad start and went into turn 1 off the pace. At tracks like California
> >the car gets upset easily in the turns it doesn't take much to lose it
> >thats exactly what happened.

> Mike, I don't believe it - *you* made a mistake?!?  I didn't think that
> possible...
> I don't feel quite so bad now ad *my* stupid start.  That's what I get for
> having time to practice.  I spun trying to back out of a 3-wide situation
> T3. :-(

> Eldred
> --
> Homepage -
> GPLRank:-1.950
> MonsterRank: +305.145
> N2002 Rank:+17.59

> Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.


Online Racing

by Eldre » Tue, 29 Apr 2003 06:28:41

>I personally would like to see some
>more organized practice, or a "happy hour" if you will to spend seat time
>against the actuall guys I will be racing.

My server is 'usually' up on tuesdays and thursdays at 8pm eastern.  John's is
up a lot more(24/7?), but open setups I think.

Homepage -
MonsterRank: +305.145
N2002 Rank:+17.59

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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