I just joined rascar and I believe it is pretty much the same as any other
league/group of drivers out there. The primary advantage to joining with a
group is to avoid the constant/intentional wreckers. Depending on what yhou
are looking for, points/standings or fun you should look for the group that
interests you. There are a lot of good drivers in rascar, me being new to
NR2K3 I am getting my ***whooped and just trying not to be a menace. I
can race all week long against the AI but when it comes to humans it is a
whole new story, I do race on sierra but that is different as well because
of all the different setups out there. I personally would like to see some
more organized practice, or a "happy hour" if you will to spend seat time
against the actuall guys I will be racing.
I do not think the response you got out of the rascar group on your posting
is any worse/different than you get in any online chat or group concerning
racing. People will misunderstand what you are saying and react, sometimes
in a not so nice way.
Hell, it was just a racin' deal! :-)
: I just started racing online this week. I'm hoping to get fast enough for
: Just an observation, DAMN there's a lot of stupid wreckers out there!
: impossible to have a clean race when morons take out half the field on the
: first lap. I know accidents happen but sheesh! I've found that just not
: qualifying and staying in the back for the first half of the race is the
: only way to finish on the lead lap.
: If anyone has some good advice it would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks,
: Tim
: --
: When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping.
: Men invade another country.
: -Elayne Boosler-