> hi i just got this game i know it's fairly old i do like it even tho it
> doesn't support 3d anyways my question is i just downloaded some setups
> but they are in the form of csp and i need them to be in jams format how
> do i do this
No, car setups are CSx files where x is a letter denoting the circuit. P
is Adelaide, the last (16th) in the season; CSA is Interlagos; CSH is
Silverstone IIRC. (CS = Car Setup!)
Put the setup files in your GPSAVES directory and you'll be able to load
them straight from the pits.
JAM files are graphics, AFAIK, including the car paint schemes among other
Happy racing!
| Jonathan Hodgson | TTech Predator |
| than win by two laps | LSU Archery Club and Orchestra |