Ok people here's the list of the final official modifications at
Gilles Villeneuve Circuit next week + the technical changes made to the
Turn 1:
- The sandtrap is now bigger, higher tire protection, security
rail installed over the higher tire protection and finally another
tire wall just behind the first one ( 5 meters ).
Jabouille's Turn :
- Another security rail.
After La Concorde Bridge:
- Built a sandtrap.
Caroussel Turn:
- Higher quantity of sand and a second row of tire protection.
In the hairpin:
- They've make the sandtrap longer by 22 meters.
*** Turn:
- The already annouced chicane + a new security rail who will fallow
what's left of the ancient turn.
Pit Corner ( Right/Left chicane ):
- Add a new sandtrapp
- The weight of the cars will be at 515 Kg instead of 500.
- Commercial fuel now in effect.
- Speed reduce to 80 km/h in the pits ( Alredy inforced in Spain )
- The overhead air entry to the engines must be half block or another
way of air entry over the cars sides must be installed.
- The pilot's head will have to be protected by a 7 mm foam block on
the sides of the car.
- The suspension elements will have to be retained by a steel cable
to the carbon fiber body.
That's basicly it,
This Info was taken from La Presse Newspaper, Montreal, June 4th.
Eric at the hairpin corner.