Although Don said he was getting 9 cents per minute from MCI on his most
frequently called number, the best MCI would offer me was the 'Weekend
Saver Plan' which was 9.5 cents per minute on weekends only. Still not
bad and since most racing is on weekends, probably sufficient for most.
Armed with the MCI plan information, I called AT&T and told them I had
to have a minimum of 10 cents per minute at all times. Day, night,
weekdays, weekends, etc. They replied that was no problem and would I
like that back dated to the start of my current billing period? Call
1-800-222-0300, ask for a supervisor, and request the 'Simple Plan'.
The m***here is that competition is great and the squeaky wheel does
indeed get the grease.
BTW, the first salesman cannot offer you these plans. You will have to
ask for a supervisor.
Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA
RaceTime utility program for Nascar1/Indycar2.