NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

John Bodi

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by John Bodi » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

Ty Brewer over at Games Domain did an interesting article titled "Driving
Test," where he puts several sims/games through their paces to try to
duplicate real-world driving responses. The result? NFSPU came out on top!
Check out the review:

This just reaffirms my belief that it doesn't have to be overly-difficult to
be realistic, and just because it's realistic doesn't mean that it can't be

-- JB

Tim O

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Tim O » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

I like Porsche Unleashed a lot, but I'd still give the nod to Viper.
He didn't mention anything about the silly damage model, which kills
about 75% of the sim-ness in Porsche Unleashed.
I don't think it's arguable that damage should be excluded from the
damage model, since he's comparing things like donuts.

I've tried some goofy real life stunts in a Jeep off road. I can
actually do the Porsche Unleashed stunt of driving backwards, brake
hard, spin, go forward.
It's not easy to do, and never happens the same way twice -that's why
they do it on wet streets for TV shows. A low traction surface makes
the car slide better and behave more consistently than the "slip and
grab" of dry pavement.

What he says about Viper doing a 360 sounds much closer to reality
than his description of the same stunt in Porsche Unleashed.

He said 180's and 360's were easy in Porsche Unleashed, then gave it
the nod by 2 points. There is no way its easy to do 360's on dry
street in a Porsche with huge 17" tires.


On Tue, 23 May 2000 19:57:31 -0500, "John Bodin"

>Ty Brewer over at Games Domain did an interesting article titled "Driving
>Test," where he puts several sims/games through their paces to try to
>duplicate real-world driving responses. The result? NFSPU came out on top!
>Check out the review:


>This just reaffirms my belief that it doesn't have to be overly-difficult to
>be realistic, and just because it's realistic doesn't mean that it can't be

>-- JB


NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Aubre » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

He's testing how closely various sims match his preconcieved ideas about
what makes a realistic sim.  Might be useful info for someone who's own
opinions happen to match his, but for anyone else its completely pointless.
It's not an objective test at all.


Darren Dunca

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Darren Dunca » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

That's a bit misleading John. Actually 2 sims came top with an equal score;
Sports Car GT and NFS:PU.

Note for others - GPL and F1 2000 were not tested as the tester wanted to
only compare road cars.



NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by ymenar » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

Even if I find his review quite original, I sense an unusual amount of
questionnable thinking in his article.  Technically, he thinks that those
stunts can all be done easily with all types of car.  I feel that the stunts
in NFS:PU are a little tad over-modeled, while the writer thinks it's
realistic and gives low marks to any other games that doesn't do the stunts
as easy as NFS:PU.

Viper should have a 5 in the "stunts" departement.  I do expect an almost
complete lost of momentum if I try to do a 360 with such car!  Low scores
for under-steering in Viper? Darn, he must have some obvious car handling
problems, since you understeer all the time with them beasts imho (well more
of a "oversteering that push you on the outside lane").  He also made no
mention of the incredibly poor wheel spin in Rally Championship on any kind
of 4WD car.

Still, kudos to EA for blending the sim and arcade features to please
everybody.  Let's hope that Nascar Heat will also achieve that level of

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

John Bodi

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by John Bodi » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

So how would YOU put together an objective test?  It's easy to snipe, but
it's a lot more difficult to come up with constructive suggestions (and I'm
sure that Ty would probably appreciate any constructive suggestions).

Testing sims is a lot like testing cars in real life, I would imagine -- a
LOT of it comes down to opinion.

Still, how WOULD you put together an objective test with only a single
tester?  Ty's test would be more objective if there were various testers'
viewpoints, but short of that, how DOES a single tester do an objective
comparison?  Lap times and acceleration is irrelevant due to the lack of
instrumentation and commonly-shared tracks, so where would one start?

-- JB

>He's testing how closely various sims match his preconcieved ideas about
>what makes a realistic sim.  Might be useful info for someone who's own
>opinions happen to match his, but for anyone else its completely pointless.
>It's not an objective test at all.


>> Ty Brewer over at Games Domain did an interesting article titled "Driving
>> Test," where he puts several sims/games through their paces to try to
>> duplicate real-world driving responses. The result? NFSPU came out on
>> Check out the review:


>> This just reaffirms my belief that it doesn't have to be overly-difficult
>> be realistic, and just because it's realistic doesn't mean that it can't
>> fun.

>> -- JB

John Bodi

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by John Bodi » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

With regards to the issue of understeer in Viper Racing, I believe Ty
indicated that there was virtually NO low-speed understeer in the Viper, but
at speed it was okay.  It was the lack thereof in the low-speed range that
earned Viper Racing the lower score, I believe.

-- JB

>> Ty Brewer over at Games Domain did an interesting article titled "Driving
>> Test," where he puts several sims/games through their paces to try to
>> duplicate real-world driving responses. The result? NFSPU came out on
>> Check out the review:

>Even if I find his review quite original, I sense an unusual amount of
>questionnable thinking in his article.  Technically, he thinks that those
>stunts can all be done easily with all types of car.  I feel that the
>in NFS:PU are a little tad over-modeled, while the writer thinks it's
>realistic and gives low marks to any other games that doesn't do the stunts
>as easy as NFS:PU.

>Viper should have a 5 in the "stunts" departement.  I do expect an almost
>complete lost of momentum if I try to do a 360 with such car!  Low scores
>for under-steering in Viper? Darn, he must have some obvious car handling
>problems, since you understeer all the time with them beasts imho (well
>of a "oversteering that push you on the outside lane").  He also made no
>mention of the incredibly poor wheel spin in Rally Championship on any kind
>of 4WD car.

>Still, kudos to EA for blending the sim and arcade features to please
>everybody.  Let's hope that Nascar Heat will also achieve that level of

>-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
>-- May the Downforce be with you...
>-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
>how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

John Bodi

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by John Bodi » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

Yeah, this is one point where I totally disagreed with Ty -- SCGT pretty
much left me cold after the shine wore off.  I'd personally rate Viper
Racing far ahead of SCGT.

-- JB

>That's a bit misleading John. Actually 2 sims came top with an equal score;
>Sports Car GT and NFS:PU.

>Note for others - GPL and F1 2000 were not tested as the tester wanted to
>only compare road cars.


>> Ty Brewer over at Games Domain did an interesting article titled "Driving
>> Test," where he puts several sims/games through their paces to try to
>> duplicate real-world driving responses. The result? NFSPU came out on
>> Check out the review:


>> This just reaffirms my belief that it doesn't have to be overly-difficult
>> be realistic, and just because it's realistic doesn't mean that it can't
>> fun.

Michael E. Carve

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Michael E. Carve » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

% So how would YOU put together an objective test?  It's easy to snipe, but
% it's a lot more difficult to come up with constructive suggestions (and I'm
% sure that Ty would probably appreciate any constructive suggestions).

I would take a "real" car out to a skid pad and then attempt to match
the results with a simulation that modeled the same car.

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Kirk Lan

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Kirk Lan » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

When you say 360, you mean just standing on it and watching the car go
around, right?  Or do you mean just losing it in a turn?  Latter is real
easy in pre-996 911s - just lift your right foot =)

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
AIM: Kirker64
(IM me twice so I can reply...using a beta client)

"The time has come for me to kill this game
Now open wide and say my name"
- "Space Lord", Monster Magnet

> I like Porsche Unleashed a lot, but I'd still give the nod to Viper.
> He didn't mention anything about the silly damage model, which kills
> about 75% of the sim-ness in Porsche Unleashed.
> I don't think it's arguable that damage should be excluded from the
> damage model, since he's comparing things like donuts.

> I've tried some goofy real life stunts in a Jeep off road. I can
> actually do the Porsche Unleashed stunt of driving backwards, brake
> hard, spin, go forward.
> It's not easy to do, and never happens the same way twice -that's why
> they do it on wet streets for TV shows. A low traction surface makes
> the car slide better and behave more consistently than the "slip and
> grab" of dry pavement.

> What he says about Viper doing a 360 sounds much closer to reality
> than his description of the same stunt in Porsche Unleashed.

> He said 180's and 360's were easy in Porsche Unleashed, then gave it
> the nod by 2 points. There is no way its easy to do 360's on dry
> street in a Porsche with huge 17" tires.

> Tim

> On Tue, 23 May 2000 19:57:31 -0500, "John Bodin"

> >Ty Brewer over at Games Domain did an interesting article titled "Driving
> >Test," where he puts several sims/games through their paces to try to
> >duplicate real-world driving responses. The result? NFSPU came out on
> >Check out the review:

> >

> >This just reaffirms my belief that it doesn't have to be overly-difficult
> >be realistic, and just because it's realistic doesn't mean that it can't
> >fun.

> >-- JB

Tim O

NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Tim O » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

On Wed, 24 May 2000 10:28:25 -0700, "Kirk Lane"

>When you say 360, you mean just standing on it and watching the car go
>around, right?  Or do you mean just losing it in a turn?  Latter is real
>easy in pre-996 911s - just lift your right foot =)

First definition would be a donut.
I've never driven a 911, but from what I here, they 180 if you chop
the throttle during oversteer due to the rear weight bias.
It's not what the guys describing exactly if you read the article.



NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Aubre » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

Yes, it is easy to snipe.  Fun, too!

I can't think of a way to do a truly objective test on a limited budget, but
that fact doesn't make Ty's ratings any more believable.



NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by Zoll » Fri, 26 May 2000 04:00:00

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't understand why a car that is
perfectly built for real fast speed like a Viper should have any
understeering problems at low speed (Not even my car has them at low
speeds). What am I missing?

What makes the article suspicious to me is that the auther claims to not
have been able to do do-nuts during acceleration... IIRC that was the only
thing I did well when I started to play Viper Racing... Could he have used
some driving aids?



NFSPU: If it smells like a sim . . .

by jbo.. » Sat, 27 May 2000 04:00:00

> > With regards to the issue of understeer in Viper Racing, I believe
> > indicated that there was virtually NO low-speed understeer in the
> but
> > at speed it was okay.  It was the lack thereof in the low-speed
range that
> > earned Viper Racing the lower score, I believe.

> > -- JB

> Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't understand why a car
that is
> perfectly built for real fast speed like a Viper should have any
> understeering problems at low speed (Not even my car has them at low
> speeds). What am I missing?

> What makes the article suspicious to me is that the auther claims to
> have been able to do do-nuts during acceleration... IIRC that was the
> thing I did well when I started to play Viper Racing... Could he have
> some driving aids?

> CU
> Zolli

TY was NOT referring to the ability to do donuts while accelerating --
ANYBODY can do donuts in Viper Racing.  He was testing to see if you
could do a 360-degree snap-turn while moving forward.  Think "Hollywood
movie stunt," and you might get the idea.  It involves accelerating up
to speed, then snapping the car into a spin, and coming out facing the
right direction and continuing on, much like Danny Sullivan did at the
Indy 500 in '85, when he won the race (the difference being that
Sullivan's "spin and win" was an accident, and a planned 360 at speed
is an actual stunt).

-- JB

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