: Charlie, Ed, and r.a.s,
: I wonder what affect providing an immediate, post-race "rating" would have
: on the users. What I thinking of is something like: After the race, the
: system would report "Based on this race, your skill level would be __." or
: "Your skill score for this race was -/+__". Add to that "This would rank
: you as one of our worst/best (pick the right one) drivers" and you have
: what would hopefully be "positive (or negative) feedback".
Good idea, but currently, Skill Level are updated once a day, in the early
: It would not surprise me to discover that many of the "problem" users just
: jumped into races and never bothered to read Nim's Tips or the User's
: Guide. Most of them probably don't have Internet or other online access
: and therefore don't see any of the comments made about their behavior.
: Without some kind of "unavoidable" criticism (positive or negative), these
: users may never "improve". On the other hand, I expect that some of the
: "problem" users are being that way on purpose and there may be nothing
: that can be done to modify their behavior.
: By the way, is it possible to stay a "0" forever or is a 10 race "problem"
: user automatically a "1"?
No one ever moves up automatically. Someone can stay a "0" for ever.
: Another positive feedback approach (for the future) would be to tier the
: price of online time by skill level(s). I'm thinking here of only 2 or
: 3 tiers, split at the points where courteous, clean driving have a higher
: weight than speed. The answer to the above question could help settle
: the debate that will surely develop around "What about a brand new user?".
Currently, there is no fee for using the system, other than LD charges.
: I don't know how long the "open beta" and/or "pay your own LD charges" is
: going to last, and it would be interesting to know how many of the
: "problem" users are "617 locals". If it would help eliminate a significant
: percentage of the "problem" users, then I would prefer to call a "900" number
: that might not lower my LD bill, but might make it easier to make sure
: that the "problem" users were being charged just as much as I am. I
: realise this would be a burden on the "good 617 racers", but I'd like
: to see this project succeed for all of us.
There are very few users in the 617 area code. I doubt any of them are
intentionally causing problems.
: Regards,
: Brad