Try turning off replays in the configuration menu.With replays on the
program will write data to disk about 4-6 times a lap (depends on
circuit and computer config).When you write to disk with IDE drives it
does consume a lot of CPU cycles.
On Sat, 4 Apr 1998 00:08:49 +0930, "Terry & Lesley Kane"
>I have a few problems with F1RS, first in a race it will start to read the
>hard drive or some times the CD-ROM which slows the game, even stopping it
>or making me spin as it slows. I have tried the full install but did not
>make any difference. The other problem when installing it does not see the
>3dfx card, but when running the game it asks which video to use. The
>computer is a P166mmx 32m ram, diamond 3d 2ooo turbo pro 4m video , legend
>3dfx voodoo I also have the 1.08 patch on. Any ideas would be a great help.