I prefer simulation type games too, driving and flight.
I don't like arcade style games because to me they don't feel like they
simulate a real car enough. Thats not to knock the arcade games, many people
like the go as fast as possible with lightning reflexes style of gameplay
but personally I prefer the game to actually simulate a real car and a real
race series. We will never get perfect simulation on a PC but as long as we
feel that what the car is doing is accurate then I am pretty happy.
I will still play arcade type games but to a much lesser extent than
simulation now, up to about 2 years ago I didn't know you could get decent
simulators for a PC because all I had was a PSX with its range of driving
games a few of which were reasonably sim-like but nothing compared to the
likes of GP2 and ICR2 which I first got when I bought a PC for work. I then
tried the GPL demo and was blown away so much that I had to buy a new PC
soon after the full release just to run it. I didnt buy a new PC to be a
snob, but to run what I consider the finest piece of racing software
currently in existence, if it would have run sufficiently on my P166 I'd
have kept that :)
Ian Parker
UKGPL League
> > >I am not a 'gamer', I'm a 'simmer'.
> > Yea, and my garbage man isn't a garbage man, he's a Sanitation
> > Engineer.
> > That "simmer" argument always cracks me up, as if you're doing
> > something more noble. Such denial.
> > A "simmer" is a "gamer" with a cutting edge PC and $300+ in control
> > gee-gaws. Embrace the horror.
> You miss my point by a mile. What I'm saying is that I'm only into
> and flight sims on my pc. I could not give a monkeys about the adventures
> Lara Croft or beating lap times in Wipeout. Sure, I try demos of such
> but find I'm bored after about 10 minutes.
> I'm not at all a snob and appologise if that's how it sounded, but what
> trying to say is that I'm less interested in finding out what Rally
> Championship is like from someone who is into V-Rally than I am from
> who is generally 'into' what I'm into. That's why I come here. Of course,
> I'll get a hundred different opinions, but they'll generally be more
> (as opposed to "RC ROX!!"
> I know that what I'm doing is playing games, I know it's not real life,
> the category of what I play generally comes under the heading of
> 'simulation'.
> Let's get this straight once and for all: I do not think myself any
> than a platform game playing ***. I do not think that the genre of
what I
> play is any more noble or worthy than any other. I know that all I'm
> is killing time in front of a monitor and is generally not doing anyone
> good (other than allowing my wife to watch whatever she wants to watch on
> and helping BT's profits along nicely!)
> Am I clear? One more time for the cheap seats. I AM NOT A BETTER PERSON
> The guy who was my best man has a PSX, an N64 and a Dreamcast among his
> console collection and loves playing those type of games. Do I think he's
> moron? No. Do I have different tastes? Yes.
> Snobbery, and even worse being accused of being a snob f**ks me off BIG
> Well done mr Fusion, you hit a nerve.
> Mark
> Reading, UK
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> Before you buy.