One warning though...I don't know how busy they are right now, but if it's
anything like it was when I ordered one, then you may not receive it until
My two cents....
For some extra money, check this out:
Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends
Don't be put off by the "IRL" part of the URL -- we're as CART-friendly
as they come! <G>
-- JB
Sent via
Before you buy.
bob TSW2 modified + paddles
--David Cook
> Wonderful wheel, but obsolete now that force feedback has
> arrived. I'm keeping my pedals to go with the Logitech I plan to get.
> bob TSW2 modified + paddles
Besides all the other great replies I agree with them but with an
addendum! I can't use my feet nor legs so I can't use pedals! I
called Thomas [mid summer] and to my surprise' Dave Sr had
been working on such a wheel for some time.
Anyway after a few emails, phone calls Thomas Ent made me
a great wheel with analog paddles for gas and brake with four
buttons right on the wheel! It is now called the TSW2EZ.
With the Momo wheel it is what I wanted for years but never
thought I'd have one. Plus my wheel steers smoothly, built as
strong as a tank and the quality of the wheel is excellent!
So I guess you'd say I like my Thomas Wheel a lot! ;0)
Cheers Thom_j.
P.S. Also all the wheels are almost custom'hand'built with
everyone at Thomas puttng in alot of "TLC" in each.. ;O)
Talk nice to santa - maybe she'll bring ya one
Skotty Flynn
"skotty" on WON
>Don't be put off by the "IRL" part of the URL -- we're as CART-friendly
>as they come! <G>
>-- JB
>> Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
>> TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise
>> Thankyou!
>Sent via
>Before you buy.
Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends
-- JB
> Skotty Flynn
> "skotty" on WON
> >I've had mine for 2 years now -- changed the pots once, replaced the
> >stock TSW2 Grant wheel with a suede-and-leather Caliba Kadet wheel
> >$79, replaced the pots once, and it's still going strong. I have
> >7 other wheels at my disposal, including a standard TSW with paddle
> >shifters, but I like the TSW2 best of all. Check out the following
> >URLs for some reviews and pics of my modified wheel:
> >
> >
> >Don't be put off by the "IRL" part of the URL -- we're as CART-
> >as they come! <G>
> >-- JB
> >> Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
> >> TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise
> >Santa.
> >> Thankyou!
> >Sent via
> >Before you buy.