TSW2 ??


TSW2 ??

by CART » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise Santa.
Scott Eslic

TSW2 ??

by Scott Eslic » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Had mine since spring!!!  Great wheel!!! Way better than the plastic
stuff!!!  Rock Solid.
Scott Eslick

ICQ #3889251
Scott's Sim Site -

Dan Kap

TSW2 ??

by Dan Kap » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I love mine.   Excellent feel.  Also, I got tired of replacing springs and
other things in the plastic wheels that can be bought at Best Buy type

One warning though...I don't know how busy they are right now, but if it's
anything like it was when I ordered one, then you may not receive it until

My two cents....


For some extra money, check this out:

Don Burnett

TSW2 ??

by Don Burnett » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I have to agree, I've had mine for a year and a half, awesome wheel!!!

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

> Had mine since spring!!!  Great wheel!!! Way better than the plastic
> stuff!!!  Rock Solid.
> --
> Scott Eslick

> ICQ #3889251
> Scott's Sim Site -

> > Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
> > TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise Santa.
> > Thankyou!

Harry Mailah

TSW2 ??

by Harry Mailah » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Had mine since last May and I am truly still in love with it.  Have not had
a single problem with it.


TSW2 ??

by jbo.. » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I've had mine for 2 years now -- changed the pots once, replaced the
stock TSW2 Grant wheel with a suede-and-leather Caliba Kadet wheel for
$79, replaced the pots once, and it's still going strong.  I have about
7 other wheels at my disposal, including a standard TSW with paddle
shifters, but I like the TSW2 best of all.  Check out the following
URLs for some reviews and pics of my modified wheel:

Don't be put off by the "IRL" part of the URL -- we're as CART-friendly
as they come! <G>

-- JB

Sent via
Before you buy.


TSW2 ??

by drbo.. » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

        Wonderful wheel, but obsolete now that force feedback has
arrived.  I'm keeping my pedals to go with the Logitech I plan to get.

                bob  TSW2 modified + paddles

David L. Co

TSW2 ??

by David L. Co » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

TSW2 Pedals + Act Labs Force RS wheel is an excellent combo and works
great for me.

--David Cook

> >Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
> >TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise Santa.
> >Thankyou!

>    Wonderful wheel, but obsolete now that force feedback has
> arrived.  I'm keeping my pedals to go with the Logitech I plan to get.

>            bob  TSW2 modified + paddles

Thom j

TSW2 ??

by Thom j » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Besides all the other great replies I agree with them but with an
addendum! I can't use my feet nor legs so I can't use pedals! I
called Thomas [mid summer] and to my surprise' Dave Sr had
been working on such a wheel for some time.
Anyway after a few emails, phone calls Thomas Ent made me
a great wheel with analog paddles for gas and brake with four
buttons right on the wheel! It is now called the TSW2EZ.
With the Momo wheel it is what I wanted for years but never
thought I'd have one. Plus my wheel steers smoothly, built as
strong as a tank and the quality of the wheel is excellent!
So I guess you'd say I like my Thomas Wheel a lot! ;0)
Cheers Thom_j.
P.S. Also all the wheels are almost custom'hand'built with
everyone at Thomas puttng in alot of "TLC" in each.. ;O)


TSW2 ??

by VVildcar » Tue, 07 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Just recently picked up a TSW2 Formula - and all I can say is:  If you race,
you gotta get yourself one of these!!  Laptimes started to drop immediately
for me once this was hooked up (the fact notwithstanding that I was using a
MS Precision Pro JS to steer with)

Talk nice to santa  -  maybe she'll bring ya one

> Had mine since last May and I am truly still in love with it.  Have not
> a single problem with it.

> > Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
> > TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise Santa.
> > Thankyou!


TSW2 ??

by skott » Thu, 09 Dec 1999 04:00:00

JB, thanks for the informative links. I am just a hop skip and jump
away from ordering my TSW2. My cost will be $410 after a few upgrades,
pot kit, and shipping. With their sturdy construction i believe I will
be satisfied.
I am using a Nascar Pro right now (and have a T1,T2 in closet) and am
tired with it's flimsy construction and lifetime.
After looking at your image
( of the Nascar Pro and
TSW2 wheels mounted on the same desk, it seems that the "actual wheel"
of the TSW2 sits a bit higher than the Nascar Pro. I also noticed that
your monitor sits quite high due to your "desktop versus tower"
Do other TSW2 owners 'raise' their monitor to compensate for the
height of the TSW2 wheel? It seems like it could possibly get in the
way of the viewing screen.
Regardless, i am looking forward to getting my TSW2!

Skotty Flynn
"skotty" on WON

>I've had mine for 2 years now -- changed the pots once, replaced the
>stock TSW2 Grant wheel with a suede-and-leather Caliba Kadet wheel for
>$79, replaced the pots once, and it's still going strong.  I have about
>7 other wheels at my disposal, including a standard TSW with paddle
>shifters, but I like the TSW2 best of all.  Check out the following
>URLs for some reviews and pics of my modified wheel:



>Don't be put off by the "IRL" part of the URL -- we're as CART-friendly
>as they come! <G>

>-- JB

>> Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
>> TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise
>> Thankyou!

>Sent via
>Before you buy.

Don Burnett

TSW2 ??

by Don Burnett » Thu, 09 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Ohhh, your going to be happy with your TSW2 purchase. I'm looking foward to
upgrading mine some day.
I have not had a problem with my wheel obstructing my monitor view, seems to
be just right to me.

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends



TSW2 ??

by jbo.. » Fri, 10 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Actually, Skotty, since I work on a computer all day long, I prefer my
monitor to be at eye-level.  My desk chair sits a little high even at
its lowest setting, so I like to raise my monitor a bit to minimize
neck strain.  I actually use a monitor stand (you can see my CPU on the
floor in that picture on the lower right-hand side), but the monitor
level is a matter of personal taste.  I don't feel that the TSW2 sits
high enough that a monitor stand is required, in fact, and for me,
personally, I'd probably have both a LARGER and a taller monitor, if I
had the real estate and the $$ to do so! <G>


-- JB

> JB, thanks for the informative links. I am just a hop skip and jump
> away from ordering my TSW2. My cost will be $410 after a few upgrades,
> pot kit, and shipping. With their sturdy construction i believe I will
> be satisfied.
> I am using a Nascar Pro right now (and have a T1,T2 in closet) and am
> tired with it's flimsy construction and lifetime.
> After looking at your image
> ( of the Nascar Pro and
> TSW2 wheels mounted on the same desk, it seems that the "actual wheel"
> of the TSW2 sits a bit higher than the Nascar Pro. I also noticed that
> your monitor sits quite high due to your "desktop versus tower"
> computer.
> Do other TSW2 owners 'raise' their monitor to compensate for the
> height of the TSW2 wheel? It seems like it could possibly get in the
> way of the viewing screen.
> Regardless, i am looking forward to getting my TSW2!

> Skotty Flynn
> "skotty" on WON

> >I've had mine for 2 years now -- changed the pots once, replaced the
> >stock TSW2 Grant wheel with a suede-and-leather Caliba Kadet wheel
> >$79, replaced the pots once, and it's still going strong.  I have
> >7 other wheels at my disposal, including a standard TSW with paddle
> >shifters, but I like the TSW2 best of all.  Check out the following
> >URLs for some reviews and pics of my modified wheel:

> >

> >

> >Don't be put off by the "IRL" part of the URL -- we're as CART-
> >as they come! <G>

> >-- JB

> >> Santa may bring me a TSW2 this year.
> >> TSW2 owners please post your feelings on the TSW2 so I may advise
> >Santa.
> >> Thankyou!

> >Sent via
> >Before you buy.

Sent via
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