wanted to kick my ***online (He's 35 and lives 8 miles away) I picked up
Sierra's NASCAR 4. While I am a big PC Game fan I have been playing
military simulations almost totally. For the first time in years I find
myself competing against folks that I cannot blow up or shoot down. I am
having a blast but, needless to say, I have a ways to go before I am
competitive. "Winning", however, is not my concern for the moment.
I am confident that, with practice, I will be able to make a
respectable showing in any crowd but in the mean time I need a place to go
online where I can get some practice against other humans without creating a
hazard for the "Big Boys" and spoiling any "serious" racing they are doing
by accidentally taking one or two of them out of the race by my "rookie
mistakes". Wiping out every competetor in the room will earn you a lot of
respect in the flight sims but I imagine the racing community frowns on such
When I went online the other day I had hoped to find races labeled "For
Newbies" or "Rookies" or other such but none of the races I saw had any such
designation. I went into a few of them with the intention of asking the
host: "Hi, I'm new at this, mind if I play?" but there was no "chat room"
as is usually found with most flight sims. Everyone was out on the track and
it is difficult to chat at 180mph even in a practice run. This left me the
choice of either blindly jumping into the game and taking the chance of
intruding my rookie ass in on a "serious" race and spoiling it for the Vets
or backing out and going home. This situation may not bother a guy who
doesn't care if he get in the way but it does bother me. I fully intend to
play with the "Big Boys" as soon as I can do so without getting in the way
but in the mean time I need to know where the rookies hang out.
So where do you guys hang the fresh meat?