Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

Andrew MacPhers

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by Andrew MacPhers » Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Good advice. Watching replays doesn't really teach you how to drive that
fast, but it shows you what's possible, which is very valuable.

Andrew McP

John Walla

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by John Walla » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:51:16 -0500, "David G Fisher"

>I'm not "starting" anything. I'm responding to a post on r.a.s.

Which was from someone who enjoyed GPL and thought it very realistic.
You managed to twist around to the same tired old topic.

Oops, your paranoia is showing again. Criticizing anything is fine,
but when the same old record gets played again and again you have to
call enough surely. Celine Dion said she was tired of that Titanic
song, and we've heard that only a fraction of the times we've heard
your GPL moans, MGPRS2 moans etc.

They ignore it in the same manner as you imagine it.

Belittling a point of view doesn't refute it, that's another thing
that hasn't changed in your posts.


David G Fishe

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by David G Fishe » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

>But Davie, I don't get your constant (and I mean CONSTANT) desire to put
>down at all.
> I mean--hell, it's just a game, a damned game (okay! okay!  a sim! a
>but your long-expressed animous towards it seems AT LEAST as obsessive as
>the religiousity towards it you attribute towards others.


>So GPL is their game, and anti-GPL is yours?


You need to get some facts straight before you make a fool of yourself.

I've said a hundred times that I think GPL is overall an excellent sim
(conveniently ignored by the crybabies). That makes me anti-GPL? LOL.

Up until the last 24 hours, I've had 36 posts on r.a.s. in the last 3
months. A whopping 4 of them were about GPL. Those 4 posts were G rated at
worst and very general.

"but your long-expressed animous towards it seems AT LEAST as obsessive as
the religiousity towards it you attribute towards others."

Obsessive? You call that CONSTANT? Do you really mean CONSTANT? Wow. How
wrong can you be? As wrong as John Wallace was in his accusations towards me
in this thread.

David G Fisher

P.S. You need to work on your sarcastic manner if you want it to be
effective. "Davie"? "Love"? Nope. Didn't work. I'm a "Davy" anyway.

Roy Harringto

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by Roy Harringto » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

> >On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:51:16 -0500, "David G Fisher"

> >>I'm not "starting" anything. I'm responding to a post on r.a.s.

> >Which was from someone who enjoyed GPL and thought it very realistic.
> >You managed to twist around to the same tired old topic.

> No John. I simply responded to a post on r.a.s. He referred to old video of
> F1 races. I gave my opinion of the same video. That's an example of the way
> a newsgroup works. I seriously doubt the person who made the original post
> recognizes my name from the past or any of my opinions. It may be familiar
> to you, but not to most who post here.

> >>Sorry, I forgot that criticizing GPL is a no-no.  Only warm and fuzzy
> >>allowed.

> >Oops, your paranoia is showing again.

> Paranoia? Hmmm. Predictability is a better word. I can can easily predict
> who will respond to my posts and what they will say.

> Examples:

> Ymenard will tell me UbiSoft sucks and Papyrus is great.

> Pat Dotson will say MS sucks (for some reason he thinks that bothers me).

> John Wallace will scold me because I occasionally post that GPL isn't
> perfect. Maybe you do that to invite piling on? Why don't you ever mention
> that I've said (100 times) it's an excellent sim? I've asked the GPL fan
> club many times why they ignore that fact but they never answer. Convenient.

> If someone doesn't like my posts, please put me on your kill file.

> >Criticizing anything is fine,
> >but when the same old record gets played again and again you have to
> >call enough surely. Celine Dion said she was tired of that Titanic
> >song, and we've heard that only a fraction of the times we've heard
> >your GPL moans, MGPRS2 moans etc.

> Funny. A check of deja news shows that I RARELY EVER post ANYTHING about
> GPL, nor do I bash sims or their developers. I probably go too far the
> opposite way. My posts on r.a.s. are just a weeeeeeeeeeee fraction
> especially when compared to members of the Papyrus cult and their daily
> bashing of any other sim which dares to sit on the same shelf with GPL.

> MGPRS2 moans? I think it's a fantastic sim. You and ymenard are the ones who
> constantly moan about it.

> >>If I had that
> >>much time in the sim, I'd hate any criticism of it too. I'd probably
> >>overreact and assume someone is saying I've been wasting my time.

> >Belittling a point of view doesn't refute it, that's another thing
> >that hasn't changed in your posts.

> You call that belittling a point of view? I call it a logical and well known
> observation of typical human behavior.

> You know what I'm bored of and wish would CHANGE on r.a.s.?

> The GPL (Papyrus) fan club (really just the same 10 guys who have been
> whining at me for a year and a half) who overreact to any post even slightly
> negative about GPL or Papyrus. The same crybabies then eagerly rip, or post
> links to reviews ripping, other titles.

> Boring.

> David G Fisher

blah, blah, blah, blah. You two married to each other?
David Kar

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by David Kar » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Making a "fool of myself" in RAS is something I can accept with a certain
degree of . . . aplomb.   This ain't world politics . . .

You make a case below that actually you have been quite reasonable in your
criticisms of GPL--moderate, even-handed . . .

But it's a disingenious strategy at best.  You say in other posts that you
can predict who will respond to your moderate critiques, and indeed, how
they will respond.  Do you not realize that you carry the same sort of I.D.
for many of us?  I see a post by one "David G Fisher" and I somehow know it
will quite likely be (a) a critique of GPL, and/or (b) a defensive slam at
the GPL "cultists" (or crybabies") who are ever ready to jump on your arcane

Hell, I can read many of your critiques, and see how to a gamer (ugh, i hate
that word, hope you do too) with certain expectations, GPL might well be
very incomplete.  Fine and dandy.  Different strokes, etc.

But my problem is with your predictability.  You attribute it to others, and
yet don't see it in yourself.  That seems unfair.



"P.S. You need to work on your sarcastic manner if you want it to be

Of course they worked  !

>>But Davie, I don't get your constant (and I mean CONSTANT) desire to put
>>down at all.
>> I mean--hell, it's just a game, a damned game (okay! okay!  a sim! a
>>but your long-expressed animous towards it seems AT LEAST as obsessive as
>>the religiousity towards it you attribute towards others.


>>So GPL is their game, and anti-GPL is yours?


>I've said a hundred times that I think GPL is overall an excellent sim
>(conveniently ignored by the crybabies). That makes me anti-GPL? LOL.

>Up until the last 24 hours, I've had 36 posts on r.a.s. in the last 3
>months. A whopping 4 of them were about GPL. Those 4 posts were G rated at
>worst and very general.

>"but your long-expressed animous towards it seems AT LEAST as obsessive as
>the religiousity towards it you attribute towards others."

>Obsessive? You call that CONSTANT? Do you really mean CONSTANT? Wow. How
>wrong can you be? As wrong as John Wallace was in his accusations towards
>in this thread.

>David G Fisher

>I'm a "Davy" anyway.

Pat Dotso

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by Pat Dotso » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

> Pat Dotson will say MS sucks (for some reason he thinks that bothers me).

I would buy CARTPR2 today if it was good.  A thought just
struck me - SCGT may be what CARTPR would have been with
workable steering and competent AI.

BTW, I cannot remember ever typing "MS sucks".  I seriously
doubt I've ever typed "CARTPR sucks", though it's probably
a fair assessment of my opinion.  What "sucks" - what I
find disappointing, is when a sim with potential is delivered
in a state that doesn't live up to that potential.  CARTPR
fits this description - it needs serious work in several
areas.  SCGT, with a few tweaks, will fulfill it's pot-
ential.  GPL fulfills it's potential (despite lack of FF).

Your behavior indicates that that bothers you.  By your
behavior, I mean your debate style - which is to state
your opinion, and maintain your position despite rational
discussion that presents opposing evidence.

BTW2, If you aren't running CARTPR anymore, how are you
spending your time?  Has some other sim caught your

Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports

Marty U'Re

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by Marty U'Re » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

I remember your long and much repeated rants about GPL online play. And now your
back. Did you ever get your computer/connection fixed?

I can sympathize with your frustration up to a point. I too had a lot of
connection problems early on with GPL. But after I fixed them, WOW!

Lots of people have been having more fun racing head to head than God ever
intended. (Oh no, now I've brought God into this thread.)


>  I seriously doubt the person who made the original post
> recognizes my name from the past or any of my opinions. It may be familiar
> to you, but not to most who post here.

> The GPL (Papyrus) fan club (really just the same 10 guys who have been
> whining at me for a year and a half) who overreact to any post even slightly
> negative about GPL or Papyrus. The same crybabies then eagerly rip, or post
> links to reviews ripping, other titles.

> Boring.

> David G Fisher

David G Fishe

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by David G Fishe » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

> I see a post by one "David G Fisher" and I somehow know it
>will quite likely be (a) a critique of GPL, and/or (b) a defensive slam at
>the GPL "cultists" (or crybabies") who are ever ready to jump on your
>But my problem is with your predictability.  You attribute it to others,
>yet don't see it in yourself.  That seems unfair.

Once again, up until the other day I had 36 posts in the last 3 months. 4
were GPL related and barely critical.

David G Fisher

GPL is an excellent sim.

David G Fishe

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by David G Fishe » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

You know Pat, if you weren't so focused on attacking any post in which I
mention GPL, you would of noticed that up until the other day, 32 out of 36
of my posts in the last 3 months were about MGPRS2 (majority), SCGT, and the
upcoming Rally99.  Why don't you know that? You say you know exactly what I
post, and what my posting style is so why do you need to ask me that

Pat Dotson = 8,000,000,000 hours in GPL = super-sensitive  to the slightest
criticism of it.

David G Fisher

GPL is an excellent sim.

>BTW2, If you aren't running CARTPR anymore, how are you
>spending your time?  Has some other sim caught your

David G Fishe

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by David G Fishe » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Another one of the "Papyrus 10" has chimed in. Only a few left now. John's
quote below is a fine example of how sensitive you guys are to anything GPL
related. John said that after I had been virtually silent about GPL over the
last 3 months (4 whole posts).

Andrew, you and the others predictable overreaction to my posts is alarming.
You seem to be imagining things. The games been out six months, I posted
virtually nothing about it for the last three.

Who needs that counseling? I'm sure Papyrus will provide it free of charge
in exchange for all the advertising you do for them.

David G Fisher

GPL is an excellent sim.

>> You don't like it, okay, but jeez at least accept that others
>> do and move on.

>Give the guy a break John. Counselling's expensive, typing's cheap
>(unless you hire Monica to do it).

>Andrew "I wasn't 1st :-p" McP

Andrew MacPhers

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by Andrew MacPhers » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Is that like the Guildford 4 and Birmingham 7?

/me stops playing cards and scrubs his hands innocently.

Andrew "typographical semtex" McP

PS pot, kettle, black, nuff said

John Walla

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by John Walla » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 21:13:55 -0500, "David G Fisher"

>No John. I simply responded to a post on r.a.s.

Yes, once AGAIN - that was the point.

If by that you mean repeating one's point over and over and over again
regardless of protestation then you're right, that is demonstrably how
a newsgroup operates.

Why then do you bother?

Hmm, you've just contradicted both of us since you obviously don't
know what I will say. I couldn't really give a rat's ass if you think
GPL is perfect or not, it's of no consequence to me. I will comment on
anything where I think someone is being unfair or short-sighted,
regardless of product or company.

Funnily enough, Dejanews counts "about 300" instances of you talking
in about GPL. Our definitions of "rarely" obviously

I present my views, you moan about them.

Yes, that was my point - to belittle someone else's behaviour in lieu
of a convincing counter argument. Dres it up any way you like, it was
still a childish response.

Otherwise known as "people who hold contrary points of view" or
"people who refuse to accept my sound and convincing arguments". I can
almost hear the foot stamp. If it really gets to you then using a
killfile would achieve the same result.

Again, precisely the point I was making.


John Walla

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by John Walla » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

Jealous sweetie? I'm sorry....


David G Fishe

Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by David G Fishe » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

>On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 21:13:55 -0500, "David G Fisher"

>If by that you mean repeating one's point over and over and over again
>regardless of protestation then you're right, that is demonstrably how
>a newsgroup operates.

Four innocous GPL related posts in the last three months before this
nonsense started the other day.  Is that really "repeating one's point over
and over and over again"?

Because there are more than just you and the other nine Papyrus cheerleaders
here at r.a.s. Didn't you ever notice that?

Ugghh. I said that in the last three months (between mid December and March
21st that I had made four bland, GPL related posts. That's about as rare as
it gets. Why are you pretending you didn't understand?

Otherwise known as the only people who ever seem to complain about my posts.

David G Fisher

GPL is an excellent sim.


Saved by a J.Stewart video (longish)

by ymenar » Thu, 25 Mar 1999 04:00:00

David G Fisher wrote

David can you please name them 10 ?

I just want to know for my personal knowledge.  Maybe the group should form
some official association :)    10 Knights of the Round table who say Ni!!!

-= Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard/Nas-Frank>
-= NROS Nascar sanctioned Guide
-= SimRacing Online
-= Official mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
-= May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world." is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.