Nurburgring. I'm happy to report that its GPL counterpart is spot on and
inch perfect! Right from the start it all felt very familiar, every
twist and turn, drop and rise were exactly where I expected them. Only
much more dramatic, as the many drops and climbs are much steeper than a
2D image on your screen is able to convey.
Knowing this track through GPL makes all the difference in driving it. I
enjoyed every yard and second, and thought my 120 German Marks were very
well spent.
The only liberty Papyrus seems to have taken with reality is the
exaggerated viewing angle on your screen. In real life the next corner
or bump is much closer than it appears in GPL. Its wide viewing angle
makes things look further away, and this diminishes the onscreen driving
experience to a certain extent. I know this wide angle makes sense in
the game, especially when driving online, but now I wish Papy would
provide a button to let us choose a more realistic viewing angle as
well. It would make a great game even better.
If you're ever around in the Ring area, go there and have a blast. You
won't regret it. Just check for opening times first at