I also had this problem with my machine but it behaved somewhat differently.
I originally had the game installed under my W2K boot and it worked fine.
One day I tried to start (no system changes that I can recall), and it just
wouldn't start. Same symptoms. One second of splash the first time starting,
then not even that on subsequent attempts. I began by deleting (AHHH) the
whole works and doing a full install off the CD. No go. I then began
installing the patches etc. just to see what the hell would happen, and
suddenly it just started working again. I didn't get a determination of
exactly the change that caused it, but essentially I think it was a
combination of the new D3D patch and the 1.2.01 patch that made the
Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I believe that there are actually two
different versions of the D3D patch, and the newer of the two actually has
and install routine, whereas the older has the files contained within a zip.
Also, did you do the full install off the CD and let it register itself etc,
or just copy \gpl off the CD? Another pet theory (untested of course) is
that actually going through the install and having the registry changes
occur may have some positive effect in W2k, although God knows it ran fine
without this in W98...
Anyway, that's my strange story, and it continues to work to this day, even
after I've installed 15 tracks, carsets, utilities, and everything else
under the sun. I was so nervous about having to duplicate all that work at
some future point that finally I just burned a CD of my \GPL directory in
situ with all modificiations in place so it would be an easy restore should
the worst happen.
For the record, my system specs:
PIII800, 384 MB, W2k Server SP2, DX8a, TNT2 running Detonator 2183, SB Live
5.1 X-Gamer, and NTFS partitions.
> > I can't believe it I spent most of yesterday trying to nut this out.
> > It starts to load, shows me the splash screen for .5 second then crashes
> > back to the desktop.
> > Patched to 1.2 and all the latest drivers on my Celeron 500 MSI BX board
> 192
> > meg of memory and TNT2. OS is Win2k SP2 and IE6, I do have a lot of
> software
> > loaded and every bit works fine except this GPL!
> I just replied to one of your questions concerning NTFS and I just notice
> that your using a TNT2 video card. Is that an Ultra or original TNT2.
> be a driver issue.
> Only reason I say this, I have a Windows98 comp with a TNT2 Ultra and it
> hates the new 12.83 drivers. I had to go back to 7.52's to get a stable
> system. Seems older cards like older drivers than the new ones. I
> your running W2k, but have you tried different drivers? Could be same
> Anthony