>Aubrey when I hear you say you are loosing time mid-corner... That could
>mean your car is not "hooking" up early enough. When you are getting back
>on the gas you are probably getting some wheel spin in the rear tires. Try
>to figure out a way not to get the car too tight (understeer) as to make it
>harder to drive into the corner, but it seems as if they (hotlappers) are
>getting a better run off the corners, based on what you are saying.
>Therefore, it is probable that actually increasing your Rear Tire PSI's may
>not be your optimum solution, it could actually hurt the acceleration after
>they heat up. (Get some tire spin on exit).
>Bill / Amish on TEN
>Tell me what you think...
Nnnnnn...no. My acceleration looks OK. My top speeds are about right, and
GPLdump shows very little time lost when I'm accelerating. To put it more
clearly, I'm simply braking too early. This might make you think I don't
brake hard enough, but GPLdump shows me slowing down at the same rate as the
hotlappers, even when trailbraking. So no problems with my braking
technique. The catch is, I wouldn't need to brake so much if I wasn't so
slow midcorner.
I realize drving style is more important than setup, but I think that if you
like a really strange setup, that's an indication of a poor driving style.
So in a sense the two go hand in hand. Get used to a new setup, and your
driving style just might improve.