Your story is very recognizable for me :)
Technique is ofcourse the most important of all things. Don't even
bother playing with setups untill you know how to drive the best line
for each corner. Untill you learn that, and get consistent lap times,
it's no use fiddling with setups.
I had great difficulty with the 1.1 patch to drive below 1.29 on
monza, even 1.29's took me a lot of concentration.
I spend an evening working on my setup, drove a few laps, and then it
was no problem anymore for me to drive low 1.28's.
About the hardware setup: as long as you get constant fps above 25, it
shouldn't make much difference compared to fast pc's, perhaps a few
tenths because driving with more fps is smoother.
The best thing is to compare your driving technique with the technique
of faster drivers using SpyGirl and GPLDump.
When you feel you've got the technique right, then start playing with
your setup.
On Wed, 4 Aug 1999 14:21:00 +0100, "Tony Rickard"
>Aubrey wrote
>> I'm just wondering why I'm still 2-4 seconds off the pace on
>> most tracks, and I'm sorta grasping at straws at this point
>> :) So if anyone can do 1:03's at the Glen with my kind of
>> setup, I'd like to hear from you. If I don't hear from
>> anyone, then maybe I should develop some new habits, and
>> just learn to drive a more normal setup. Thanks for your
>> help!
>I can relate to that Aubrey. I wondered when my own constant improvement
>with GPL would end - 1:07s, 1:06s, 1:05s, lower 1:05s! at WG. All the time
>there were guys going around 2 secs quicker no matter how I improved :(. Now
>the improvements are hundredths not sufficient to make progress on the quick
>I can put forward several theories:
>1) A magical setup change: I convince myself there is some tweak which may
>only give me a lap before the engine/tyres explode but will make me go 2
>secs faster. I think there is little chance!
>2) Sheer lack of talent/technique: NO WAY! - well all right then I suppose
>it could be true :(
>3) GPL physics suit some driver styles better than others: In the same way
>that some F1 drivers never seem to get the feel for a particular car no
>matter how they set it up whilst their team mate blitzes them every time,
>then a move to another team revitalises their performance. Maybe this is the
>4) Hardware setup: We do not have a level playing field. The performance of
>GPL on one PC may feel very different on another PC in terms of perceived
>control feedback (I do not mean force feedback here folks). We know a
>joystick may be the quickest for some rather than a wheel. Others report
>major improvements by modifying brake pedal resistance (force not
>I guess in my case it's a combination of the last 3, probably 2 is the most
>likely if I am truly honest.
>As for 3, well I think the truly quick guys are simply truly quick, and will
>adapt to whatever the next physics model is. I do reassure myself that I
>could be the sim equivalent of Zanardi, struggling in F1 just waiting for a
>new CART sim to blitz all you guys cos it suits my driving style more than
>yours. This is wishful thinking.
>Regarding 4, I'm pretty happy with my set up - I know other guys with same
>wheel & slower PCs who are quicker (GNasher for one) than me, so its unlikey
>to be 2 secs waiting to be wiped off by some magical new purchase
>Setups? Well I've tried radical changes to no avail, so no major benefit to
>be gained here.
>So it has to be technique - time to re-evaluate each corner and how best to
>enter/exit for optimum lap times. There is a great danger in getting into a
>pattern of braking points, gear changes and not being able to change the
>pattern to make gains.
>Maybe I will never find that technique - I do not think it can be taught, it
>is a feel thing. Which is why GPL is so great - cos you feel the effects.
>I may have to accept those 2 secs are beyond me, park my Ferrari on the grid
>& connect up a virtual hosepipe to the exhaust - then you hotshots will feel
>sorry for me as you blast past with 1:03s on your pitboards...