Grand Prix World

Sean Blac

Grand Prix World

by Sean Blac » Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I was having that problem all the time, with whatever team I tried. The
problem is caused by the engine vibrating. The short term answer is to
put back the orders a bit. I was running with most of the orders on
full, but if you turn back the kerb use, top speed and acceleration to
around half it should greatly improve things. Also try to avoid the
flying lap button unless absolutely necessary. Since trying this myself
I have started winning races and the game is much more enjoyable.

The long term answer is to get a better engine with a higher rigidity
Sean Black

Adam Hatto

Grand Prix World

by Adam Hatto » Sun, 12 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Yes it is mainly due to the Engine Rigidity and also to "Kerb Use" in driver
orders, if you have R&D Control in your engine deal you should spend some of
the points on improving engine rigidity asap. In the short term though turn
the "Kerb Use" orders down to a bit more on the careful side.

Hope that helps.

"The Adder" Adam hatton
Co-Webmaster Grand Prix World UK


Grand Prix World

by PHendrix » Sun, 12 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Are there any sites I can go to, that have any sort of tips or guides in
general for the game?  I've been having the rear wing problem too, and my
Ferrari's seem doggy in the race, even though they sweep the front row in

Grand Prix World

by PHendrix » Sun, 12 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Oh yeah, almost forgot....Even though this can be a very frustrating game, it's
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