Ha! Another self-proclaimed "rally expert" shows just how little he
really knows about rallying. Anybody who knows anything could tell
you that the TRUE golden days of world rally sport trophy competition
actually started at 9:26 am on the morning of February 2nd, 1968.
Many people have bought into the myth that it actually started at
10:03 am, but this is just plain wrong. Some would also debate your
allegation about the 11:56 pm time, as many feel that the era actually
came to an end at 11:58 pm, but I am inclined to go with the earlier
time myself, so I guess we can at least agree on this point.
Be advised, though, that you should read your non-disclosure
agreements more carefully next time -- I believe all the gamma testers
for World Rally Sports Trophy Cars were advised to keep quiet about
the Bugbear/West brothers tie-in, so please be more careful in the
>I've heard rumors -- or maybe it's just my
>medication wearing off -- that the West Brothers
>are teaming with Bugbear to produce World Rally
>Sports Trophy Cars. It will be so realistic that
>it will leave oil stains under your monitor. And
>it will, to John Bodin's point, model only the
>very most golden days of world rally sport trophy
>car competition. That being the morning (10:03)
>of February 2nd 1968 and July 17th around midnight
>(11:56). With time off for lunch, of course.
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:45:41 GMT,
>>On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 12:08:58 +0300, "Ilari Lehtinen"
>>>The era in Rally Trophy is more among the lines of "those golden days" than
>>>"between 1969 May 15th evening and August 2nd mid-afternoon",
>>ARE YOU INSANE?! Everybody knows the best rallying occurred between
>>the morning of February 2nd 1968 and July 17th around midnight!!!
>>This title is really going to suck, I fear, because you guys obviously
>>just don't know what you're doing.
>>-- JB
>Remove "hi" from address or it will bounce....