Powerslide on-line. There are people there most nights, and you can even
experience Powerslide on-line racing even if you only have the demo. Check
out the DASCAR Web site (http://www.racesimcentral.net/) for links to the demo and
more info about Powerslide on-line.
Powerslide provides a great on-line racing experience. If you've never
tried racing on-line yet, Powerslide is a ton of fun, and the Powerslide
demo provides you with the perfect way to try on-line racing. If you still
feel like you're not good enough to try racing on-line with GPL, then
Powerslide is a great way to see what racing on-line is all about. Besides,
nobody complains when you bump them in Powerslide! <G>
-- John Bodin
Publisher, The IRL Inslider . . . er, Insider Magazine