Thanks for your reply, it did make me think, especially about
I like your definiton of a sliding tire, namely that all (or at least
most) of the contact patch is sliding, so only the coefficient of
friction (and not stiction applies). As you stated this can be better
observed not with *** but a metal drum. My analysis is, however,
still valid for this case, in fact, it is easier to show its point here.
When a metal drum acquires a nonzero slip angle, the stiction
immediately ceases and the force on it becomes purely frictional, thus
the wheel develops a proper slide in accord with the definition above.
The frictional force always shows in the opposite direction to the
relative velocity between the rubbing surfaces.
The main point is that, with a free rolling drum in a sliding
equlibrium, the relative velocity of the contact point on the bottom of
the drum with respect to the ground is always in the direction of the
wheel axis, i.e. perpendicular to the plane of rotation.
This happens because, unless there is rotational acceleration involved
which must be 0 in equlibrium anyway, there can be no torque along the
wheel axis and consequently no friction force component in the wheel
plane of rotation. The friction force in equlibrium thus always points
along the wheel axis and so does the relative slip direction.
The magnitude of this force is just the coefficient of friction times
the normal force, and is the magnitude of the force |F| in my previous
post (see below). With a metal wheel, the slip angle alpha can be set to
almost 0 and still only friction is occuring. The only loss of lateral
force in this case is the difference between the coefficient of friction
and the coefficient of stiction. But the force is still purely lateral
at small angles, so directional integrity is indeed preserved.
What is lost is something more subtle. While the lateral forces are
still preserved, although a bit smaller than when the wheel is still
sticking, the steering looses any practical effect. While the car may
still be executing a turn due to the preservation of the lateral forces,
when the slide of the steered tyres occurs the input of the steering
wheel does not have any (linear) effect. So what is lost is the control,
but not (a great part of) the turning ability.
I know from first hand experience, I did a lot of wonderful long turning
drifts with my little Renault Clio in the snow this winter. Only when
you aplly the brakes to lock the wheels or the accelerator to spin them
does the directional integrity gradually cease relative to the amount of
the longitudinal slip of the corresponding tires.
I really enjoy these kinds of discussions, so please, anyone, be
critical about what is written here!
Gregor Veble
> Gregor, what you say of a free rolling tire would be true for a tire
> slipping, not sliding. We don't normally encounter sliding tires in our day
> to day experience, so the misconception is understandable. The difficulty is
> that the condition is transient; changing the direction of applied force
> from purely lateral -- perpendicular to the plane of rotation -- to
> something else, allows the tire in common experiments to recover from the
> slide, and gives the false impression that there is some directional
> integrity. This indicates only that the sliding tire predisposes itself to
> recovering to its original free rolling state.
> My assertion is that a sliding tire has very little directional integrity.
> Any variation is due only to the assymetry of the contact patch. I realize
> this is counter-intuitive, given the discussion above. Try the following
> thought experiment.
> The stated condition for a slide is that no part of the contact patch is in
> static contact with the road surface. Driving on normal dry pavement, the
> sliding coefficient of friction is such that a true slide is difficult to
> achieve, let alone maintain. If we reduce the coefficient of friction,
> however, we begin to see that a slide truly doesn't match our expectations.
> It's easier to imagine how a polished steel drum, instead of sticky ***,
> will slide freely once we apply a large enough side force to interrupt its
> free rolling state. The same is true when driving on an oil slick, or on
> ice. We've all witnessed the effects of oil on the race track, and probably
> experienced the terror of driving on ice.
> Let me know if these examples don't hold up to your scrutiny.
> Michael.
> > Consider the example of a tyre that is freely rolling, but is pointing
> > (sliding) at an angle (say 'alpha'-the slip angle) relative to its
> > velocity with respect the ground. There can be no force in the direction
> > of the orientation of the tyre, as the tyre is freely rolling, there is
> > just a (friction, F) force perpendicular to it (in the direction of the
> > tyre axis). The component of the force in the direction of the velocity
> > is then -|F|*Sin(alpha), and the perpendicular component is
> > |F|*Cos(alpha). If alpha is not too big but still large enough so that
> > the tyre is sliding (really a hard to define term, though), MOST of the
> > force is still in the lateral direction, so a sliding tyre (but not a
> > locked one) still has lots of directional integrity.