Grand Prix 2 - This game is the probably the most classic game ever -
It's nearly 3 years old and I've had it for about 2 years and STILL
people are working *** updates -
Only problem is - with GP2 playtime logger I've clocked up over 2 weeks
solid playing GP2, and only completed _2_ 100% length Championships
(Pro Mode, never won 1st place dammit). It's all these new carsets and
tracks and other updates, when I try them out I just have to start a new
Also I play 100% length races and _only_ save during the game when it's
time for a pit stop - it's more exciting that way, and more realistic -
loading a saved game every time you crash can become very tiresome.
Geoff Crammond deserves a knighthood.
Ian Wright
(Who plays GP2 every day, but not as much as GPL, of course)