Is there a preferred modem when it comes to N2 online racing????
Is there a preferred modem when it comes to N2 online racing????
Stay away from USR WinModems. They are not worth their discounted
price. They dont work under NT or anything except Win95, where they
dont work well.
Get a real USR Sportster not the WinModem.
Eric T. Busch
> Is there a preferred modem when it comes to N2 online racing????
Now, a DATA/FAX will work under DOS and Windows 95. You won't get as
fast Internet connection, but you can play games for DOS and WIN95 over
the modem. A DATA/FAX also has much better fax performance. If you do
alot of modem *** from DOS my advise to you is to get a 56k DATA/FAX.
Other wise goto a X2 modem, you won't be able to use DOS stuff with it,
but all WIN95 transactions will be a lot better in the long run.
Andrew Perkins