>> If you have a mouse with a spinner wheel for scrolling, try
>> clicking on
>> that while in the menu screens. I sometimes get a similar thing
>> where the mouse pointer moves around but doesn't highlight the icon
>> it's on top of. A quick click of the mousewheel (mine acts like a
>> button as wheel as a wheel) usually brings the desired result and I
>> can once again click on the on-screen icons.
>> dave henrie
> Unfortunately did not work. Problem related to mouse drivers perhaps?
> .mikko
dang... prior to F1c, I used to have lots of problems with the
telemetry and graphic tearing. I'd run some laps, go to the telemetry
screens, and then when I came back the screen would be flashing and some of
the textures would be missing or mis-shaped. For those problems, I had to
completely exit the sim and restart, just as you do with the mouse
Since I switched from Nvidia video cards, I have not had those graphic
issues. The lost mouse focus is still there, (wireless USB mouse) but, as
I said, merely clicking on the wheel button brings it back.
Thats all I have. Anyone else?
dave henrie