> The original files are copyrighted by Papyrus. The modifications to
> those files can be copyrighted by whoever did the intellectual work to
> create the modifications. *However*, the original files remain subject
> to the Papyrus copyright, and therefore the modified files are a
> derivative work, and subject to the Papyrus copyright.
> For a simple example:
> Original sentence: (copyright entity A)
> The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
> Modified sentence: (based on the above sentence, modified by entity B)
> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
> entity A holds the copyright on the first sentence.
> entity B holds the copyright *only* on the changes to the sentence
> The second sentence is a derivative work, and is subject to entity A's
> copyright.
> --Jim Sokoloff
track to "secretly" distribute to the wolves.