Yes, I didn't know how to say it that eloquently. :-)
At the time of the initial drivers, 3.12 I think, this was not a
"feature". On the forums where the then new breed of FF wheels were
being discussed, many users asked for this. 3.20 beta drivers
incorporated this due to the user feedback with the caveat that this may
not be a good thing and to use this checkbox with care, if at all.
I use it in GPL ver. 1.0 because it gives my wheel some center, and I
like that. I fully intend to disable it with ver. 1.1
Please understand, I'm not associated with Logitech. I just wanted to
warn new users of this wheel to be careful of this option. When anyone
sees this checkbox it's only natural to want to use it.
(-: BY the way, do you happen to know when ver. 1.1 will be out? :-)