I have one Pentium 100 and i can't install gp2! I use the emm 386 and I
have one problem with xms memory, I have XMS memory but the computer
convert this memory to EMS memory, What i can do to fix this???? Somebody
can help me??? Thanks.
I have one Pentium 100 and i can't install gp2! I use the emm 386 and I
have one problem with xms memory, I have XMS memory but the computer
convert this memory to EMS memory, What i can do to fix this???? Somebody
can help me??? Thanks.
Hi Fabio,
In your CONFIG.SYS, found in the root of your bootable disk, commonly
the C: disk, you'll find a line like : DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE.
You 've the next options:
Delete this line (Not recommended)
Change it to: REM DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE
You'll have no EMS, AND no UMB(Upper Memory Blocks)
Change it to: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS
You'll have UMB, IF there is, somewhere in your CONFIG.SYS, a line
You'll have none EMS memory
Change it to: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024
You;ll have 1024 Kb of EMS memory, usefull for applications like
WordPerfect, Quattro Pro or Lotus 123. The rest of your memory will be
XMS. You'll have UMB, IF there is, somewhere in your CONFIG.SYS, a
line like DOS=HIGH,UMB
There is a alternative, when starting your machine, if the message
Starting MS-DOS comes up, press the <Left-SHIFT> key. Your machine
will boot as clean as possible.
Hope this will help.