take on it. It is not the heir to the thrown as Rally Championship remains
king of rally sims. However, those who where disappointed in Sega Rally 2
will be pleased to hear that Rally Masters is everything Sega Rally 2 should
have been....RM even includes a fly by heli.
RM has very dated looking graphics. The courses are nice but sparse. The
cars however, are just plain bad - right down to their damage and mud
splats. In car view is horrible...I mean, worse than SCGT bad. Rain is also
bad. If RC's graphics are a 10 then this game comes in at 5-6. Sega Rally 2
All the courses are short, even the rally stages. Compared to RC the rally
sections of this game are flat out boring. The cars seem to have decent
physics model...be it close to the same for all cars and defenitely wrong
for FWD cars...but very doable for this type of arcade game. Those of you
missing CMR style sliding - this will fill that void. Very hard to roll
however, and if you do they are back up in a split second and your going
again. After 3 stages I had only minor damage and after repairs had 17
minutes left...wow...wouldn't see that in RC.
This game excells when it comes to the cup race and ss. You can race in
several ss against another car or race in a RM Cup against 3 others on the
same track. Although the AI is not GPL quality it is far better than RC.
Many of the other drivers seem to like hard contact though, luckily catching
up is not a big problem as they like to take each other out also.
Stil haven't had a chance to do online racing which is supposedly where this
game will excell..
All and all this is a pretty fun title that will please those who had higher
hopes for Sega Rally 2. Those of you looking for a hard core sim to take the
place of RC will have to keep on looking becuase this game doesn't come
close in any department (unless you count arcade mode.)