with CTS and IROC and special races throughout the week.
Looking to expand our league racing.
Looking for intermediate to seasoned racers with N2K3
If you can hold a line, respect your fellow racers, give and take on
the track, take criticism of your driving habits, then perhaps you'll
fit in this Group just fine. If you try to win at all costs, then you
best go elsewhere. We are not looking for "Points Racers Only".
We race CTS and IRC PWF MODS on Wednesday and Fridays at 915PM EST. As
a 2toGo Member you are expected to attend either both or one of these
events every week. It is also imperative that you find some time
during the week to attend practice sessions for the upcoming races in
order to become acquainted with the other members and get a chance to
find out about their driving styles.
Check us out at http://www.racesimcentral.net/