To anyone who has said they are disappointed because the game doesn't have
everything that it was hyped up to have kindly tell me where they get these
Hasbro released a press release some time last year showing that GP3 was
officially coming. It was clamed to be finished many other times since 1997
yet only in late 1999 was it ever said that it was even in existence.
It promised an update of GP2, taking advantage of 3DFX and updating it to a
more modern season than 1994. That was accompanied by 5 screenshots, you
know those incar of a Ferrari and the outside shots of the arrows. Thats it,
thats all we were ever promised.
People took wish lists and unreachable targets for GP3 and some how almost
believed that GC or Hasbro promised this.
Now, the main complaint of GP2 was the lack of weather. GC responds by
giving us the most advanced weather effects ever in any sort of sim.
People complain of no FF. FF is added!
People complain of no internet play so although GC hasn't had time to
perfect it has made things a lot better than the original play of only 4
players through a LAN.
These weren't even promised yet are included and are taken for granted.
Hasbro haven't even advertised much, apart from the press release we had a
few ads in Autosport and that was about it.
There was no hype and no promises by Hasbro. It was all in the minds of
people. The unreachable targets set in wish lists seemed real to some.
All I'm saying is that GP3 is much more than we were ever promised if you
look at the facts.
Can anyone actually show me where this so-called hype is/was?
Hasbro certainly kept their mouths shut.